Ever wanted to solve a Rubik's cube?


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No joke. This video will show you exactly how to solve a Rubik's cube. You can amaze your friends and family with these 5 easy steps.

Too bad you have to be a rocket scientist in order to UNDERSTAND these 5 steps.

Click me!
Conquered that thing back in the early 80's while out to sea for long deployments.
Daaaaaaaa--I didn't even understand step 1!!
I'll continue to use the damn thing for a door stop!!
a woman in my office can do it in like 2 minutes no matter how bad you scramble it.
wow, I was feeling pretty good about myself, now I know that I'm dumb, how bout this, I can get 1 side faster than anybody? lol
He is an idiot.....
all you have to do is pull off the stickers and put them back in the right spot.
My 7th grade math teacher taught us that method. I earned extra credit for learning it and still remember how.
Someone showed me how to do it years ago. I'm not sure I can remember how.
