everyone should see this movie:


Donating Member
Movie: THX-1138

I challenge ANYONE to view this movie - a couple of times, because that's what it takes to REALLY soak it in and understand it - and say we all are not already living like this but at a SLIGHTLY lower degree.

It is FINALLY being release on DVD, and in some limited theater release also. It is SO SLOW and boring that that exact premis will be lost on most viewers as to why they are living that way. Comapre the people living within their environment's confines and thier whole life's purpose, with ours today and see there's is no difference - which is kinda the point of the movie. Um, for the Legally Blond crowd, this is deep thinky Sci-Fi stuff

Where does such an odd movie crawl out from under? ? It was George 'Star Wars' Lucas's first major flick. Notice the sound effects from this movie that went into Star wars. Notice the THX certified home and theater sound systems. Notice the THX-1138 license plate in his American Grafitti movie. Notice the "Prisoner transfer from cell block 1138" in Star Wars. Notice the number next to Jar Jar in Clone Wars. I was George Lucas's phone number in college in Cali. I bet it's hidden in all his movies and spin offs. Anyway, check it out if you can tollerate it.

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I've never heard of it...doesn't really sound like something I'd sit through from what you've said WWJD...if it's that slow, I'll be sleeping in my popcorn!

I love SCI-FI, but if it's TOO DEEP, I lose interest...some times people just try too hard...
VA, there's a really cool action sequence at the end but I don't want to give anything away, but it involves motorcycles if that helps.  the slowness pulls you into their society and allows you to feel the emptiness better.  it took me a few viewings to really understand it [maybe I'm slow?] but then it was really cool.  check the preview on the site. I love SF also, and this is perfect/typical Sci-Fi - not like the soap opera scifi of late where their location and situations are barely scifi. THIS is TOTAL sci-fi. Hint: you GOTTA READ all the computer screens they flash at you to grasp some stuff - miss and and miss key plot points. It's had a cult following for years and they've been pushing for DVD and now it's finally begin released. If you enjoy Logan's Run or 1984 type of thing than this is for you

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I'll look for it in the video store...give it a shot...
Thanks for the heads up!
I like the movie Buckaroo Bonsai, I could understand that one with the Osculation Overthruster and the first mention of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The movie has lots of little things that you only catch if you watch it a few times.
Just checked out the THX site you posted for a link. I think I may have seen this movie a long time ago. Or, at least some of it. The web site is kind of creepy.
just remember - you might not fully grasp it on one viewing - first viewing is like WHAT THE FREAK? WHY DID I JUST WASTE MY TIME??
Second viewing it's hmmmmm I see why they are like that.
Third viewing with: Geee, that's about what are lives are now... Forth viewing: That's IT! I'm quiting my desk job, throwing away my computers and money and moving into a cabin where I can kill animals for my dinner.

I'll admit it is not the BEST movie on the planet 'Movie-wise' but what it is has not really been done this well. It was made way back in 1971 - and now has some CGI updates.

For the religious slammers, there's stuff in there for you too.

Notice the Buck Rogers intro and how THAT sereal is heavily mimicked in Star Wars INCLUDING the scrolling slanting intro! Notice wearing the beating sound effects came from t the start of NIN's Downward Spiral CD. Notice Police weapon is long pole like light sabre. Notice the cheesey Land Speeder type vehicles

Now remember: Buy. Buy more now. Prevent accidents and.... be happy.

ok my wife rented it the other night had never heard of it did not know anything about it saw it ....... ok what a waste of time could have taken a nap and gotten more out of it ....thank god i did not see that movie other wise i would never of gone to see star wars or any of the otheres
WTF was he thinking ? oh well he made of for it in star wars total ends of the bad movie good movie spectrum
It takes a good 6 watchings or more to really "Get it" so your reaction is completly understandable - but because it IS so slow, you'll never watch it again. PLUS, Lucas added so much distraction with his stupid RE-MIX version, I don't even know if the message is muddied or not because I already knew the original version. believe it or not all the boring stuff makes sense and has purpose in teh plot displaying the lifestyle. also the slow dialog is expected from people dumbed down so badly they line up in an elevator while a voice tells them it's out of service. The point is, WE are already at that vision but it can get even worse - IF unrecognized

It's something you either grow to love or really hate easily