Evolution of the busa owner


When I first got my Busa in Feb, I drove her like a Rolls.. Real careful on the speedups, nice coasts to a stop, totally babying her......

But in the past 2 months, I've noticed that she seems to beckon "speeeeeeed", and I find myself ripping the throttle just a bit more, taking turns 'just' a little tighter, and some other things I probably SHOULDN'T be doing (cough redlights cough)...

I know deep in my gut that one must be super CAREFUL when owning one of these missiles, yet my devilish side is becoming more affluent.. Is this normal???!!!

Same thing here, until I got so comfortable and wound up sliding on my back.

It will put you in your place if you arent careful.
Same thing here, until I got so comfortable and wound up sliding on my back.

It will put you in your place if you arent careful.  

Respect HER NO MATTER WHAT SHE BECKONS. When it comes to the street of course. If SHE doesn't kill you, a CAGE might.

Do what I do and few others do: Take her to the Track, the strip or a dry lake. Experience her the way she was meant. I personally do track and I don't ride the full potential that it's capable of. I try but she's way more than most can handle. That's why I'm doing brake/suspension upgrades before I do anymore engine mods just to help with confidence. Just be careful on the streets. It's very dangerous if you let it get outta hand.
I find myself doing the same thing sometimes even think'in that the bike is down on power...its not, I just get to used to it and that breeds complacency which in turn can bit ya real good.

I know this is it cause when I stay off her for a few days (very hard to do) and then ride the first time it feels mucho powerful to me again
I say, just don't let your confidence get the best of you because when that occurs the Busa's torque will bite you in the gluteus! It is wise to keep a good dose of fear in the forefront of your testosterone driven brain!
It truly IS an addiction, owning this bike- I've never owned a Harley, but I can't imagine it being anywhere NEAR what this bike does to a man..

i owned a harley 6 years before the busa, a 88cu twin cam engine [the new one]. i might have gone 80mph twice...three times maybe since owning the harley. with the busa....500k on the odometer and done it 3 times already. she is a different animal all together. i have much respect for her and the cagers. be careful.
It was really a bit of culture shock for me. I had been used to CBXs only and they're no slouch but they run out of gearing around 140 in 5th. They run low to mid 11s around 114-118 and approach 140 at the half mile point. Try going from those to just about twice the horsepower and torque, with lighter weight and much better handling and brakes! Got my LE in early February too and have somewhere over 2,000 miles so far. A couple weeks ago I ran it up past 140 150 160 and when I glanced down as I began to slow (ran out of road) the speedo was backing away from 170. Had a real good time......
It's normal...but you need to be extremely careful. After three months of owning my bike, I was already scraping pegs and taking turns at twice the speed limit. Full speed blasts were fun, but the twisties beckoned.

I thought I knew her...respected her enough to hold my own. Five months into our relationship, she caught me by suprise.

She lifted slowly at first...then higher, higher, still higher. I knew she would pick up, but I didn't expect her to come up that fast. For a split second, I thought I could get her back under control.

I was wrong. Almost dead...and wrong. It's a blessing that I'm still alive today...I don't know how I avoided all that debris on the side of the road that could have snapped my neck in a second.

Be safe out there...slow it down. Take the speed to the track, gear up good. It's when you begin to get real comfortable with her that you need to be most careful. She's a handful...and she DEMANDS respect.

Failure to do so results in her demise - and although I hate to say this, it needs to be said - it can result in yours.

Someone in Heaven must have been praying really hard...because I'm sure that my number was up that day. Apparently, my work here on earth is incomplete...my application for the Pearly Gates was rejected.

Allow me to share some pictures with you. This is the aftermath.

So yeah...there you have it. You're still fairly new to the Busa, I presume...so all the moreso that you need to be careful.

I didn't mean to ruin your thread, but from what you wrote, you're heading for some dangerous waters. Just thought I'd do my part to warn you.

Be safe out there, man...

Yeah, like pac tells everything...thanx pac, the first few months isn't even near danger (unless you are totally brand new to the sportbikes world...) and then when you get to know each other, thats when the time has come...(like all the wild animals) it gives you 1~2 and take, 8~9 from you...if you can control you addiction in this (it could be hard or very simple) you won't have to go through
those painful lessons (god I hope not...) but, its all from your right wrists...keep it within...
Yep-you are just where I am having owned the 'busa since January. I'm not new to bikes or sport bikes, just the 'busa. Had the shid scared out of me about a week ago. I rounded a corner and in the apex, I gave her some ponies cause I like the feel of accelerating out of a corner. Unfortunately, there was a marked crosswalk - you know those white plastic lines on the pavement. Well, they must have been a little slippery and I could feel the rear going way wide. Luckely, I was able to stop the slide and recovered. I don't know how but I sure gave me a good slap back to reality. The first thing that I thought is what a stupid A$$HOLE I AM!!! This was 100% my fault not the bikes. I just got too comfortable!!!