QUELemme Guess, you got cheap and completely ignored repacking your Muffler bearings prior to install too...
I actually use the Castrol synthetic blend. Good stuff and now I can actually see at night...Oh Damn.... My Bad HIM,Hell Now you prolly won't even believe me when I recommend using synthetic Blinker Fluid....
Sorry, I could'nt help it Bro...
HE he he... Only quoted for evidence preservation...QUELemme Guess, you got cheap and completely ignored repacking your Muffler bearings prior to install too...I didnt see any muffler bearings. Are those teh rings that go around the header? It seemed like a simple swoop and swap( state farm comercial) Remove the stock put on the after market and everyting that wasnt welded to the stock went on the after market. What are muffler bearings. I have to take the exhaust of anyway becasuse the black has truned to an ashy gray. So i might as well get it done now. What do i do
hahahah lets all point fingers and laugh at him...fuggers