extension kit questions


looking to add a set of bolt-on extensions to my 2008 bussa.
1. what brand is recommended

2. if i extend my bussa, will i be able to still have a passenger ride on the back with me.

a prethanks for the input.
I can't answer that. My busa is "ME TIME"! I bought mine off Ebay and He is not selling them now. Someone here will know for sure, but I don't see why not....
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while its all about me, momma likes to ride. i can get away 9 out of 10 times because i commute, but on the weekend momma likes the rush as well.
I just put a 240 extended swing on mine and lowered it so it wouldnt be up in the air. ive been hearing that the spring will compress more due to the extra leverage from a passenger so that may need to be upgraded. if you dont lower it that probly wont be an issue, but your rear will be up in the air, looks funny and probly screws with the handling.

As far as brand, check out board sponsors, they got the good stuff.
You will be able to ride with a passenger as long as you dont lower the bike. I would guess that any brand would do, it depends on how you want them to look. NYCparts.com had some okay ones. Just my 2 cents!
I got the roaring toyz sells, 4"-6" and been really happy with them. You can ride 2 up but you will need to stiffen up the rear spring or replace it somehow if your lowered. My buddy rides 2 up long and low on a 240 kit. I know he replaced his spring with a chrome on and was told they "stiffed" it up?
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Member GIXXER1300R makes them.They come with a brake bar and new location for swingarm spools.I have them on mine.Very nice


