factory gel seat

I believe this is the factory gel seat...


I got it from someone who bought it but never used it, so I only paid $75!

It's not broken in yet so it's still a little stiff.

Bought a set from New Image for the wife's Busa but she hasn't used it yet...
Some people like them, others hate them. I had one that I liked mine after it was broken in. I sold it after Corbin made me a really good deal on a custom seat.
i have a gel seat and found my butt still got sore after about 100 miles or so. I wouldn't waste my money if I was you. :beerchug:
Yea 100mi there and it feels like a 2x4 the last 15 miles. Try 100mi highway on a drz400sm. Then you would want a gel seat.