FalconCop Navy Seal? No Way!!!

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I was going to let this go but after he can't seem to lay off. Now it's my turn to make him look like a complete idiot.

Evidence exhibit A. FC said he was in Team 5. Under the thread Geez!! all these modifications. Then under another thread he said that he was Narco in Central america in the jungles. Well for your information Team 5's responsibilities is the Northern Pacific> Specializing in Winter Warfare. Team Four all the way on the East Coast are trained in jungle warfare and there
specialty coverage is Central and South America NOT TEAM FIVE.

Exhibit B: Also he had mentioned that he was a graduate of a BUD/S class that does not coincide with the years he was in. '83-'85.

I was going to leave this alone but after you questioning J.T's and mines integrity, I couldn't resist. You my friend are one Giant Loser....Didn't I see you on a beer commercial lately playing handle hockey or doing something bad to your ping pong paddle? I hope your new friend toobad knows this information. You are you hang out with....

One last thing FC what year was team 5 commisioned? For the last Time who was your CO of team Five?

Your fellow sailor,
Turtle, Man, let it ride.

People invent fantasy lives and fantasy selves on the Net everyday. The guy may be a cop of some kind, but mostly his thrill in life is getting guys like you and others at this site steamed. That should tell you all you need to know.

Do like a duck does when it rains...ignore it.
I actually served so don't insult me by talking crap about suck time. I was Army Infantry Don't ask me unit because that is trash talk. I was not SF and that is all I will say. If you were a Seal or EOD let's talk shop.

WHat are the five paragraphs in an op order and in which paragraph would you include actions on the objective.

What is the first priority for inderect fire planning and what weapon would you assign on a range card for a patrol squad sized element to cover dead space?

In a squad with two 60s where do you place you 60s if you are on line in an ambush position next to a high speed avenue of approach?. What do you call the team assigned to clear the far side of the kill zone.

This is grunt talk but it is basic if you are a Seal you know how to patrol and you probably attended Ranger school.
I was an EOD Tech not a Seal. I went to School at Elgin AFB then to Indianhead MD> No Ranger School.. Why are you sticking up for FalconCop???? If you were in the service this kind of thing should make you sick. My nickname comes from me barely passing the allowed swim times. It seems that everybody else chose breast stroke and I chose the side stroke.
Benning was my home did you guys do swamp phase down at Elgin? Or did you just do demo stuff down there? I was straight leg then mech Inf I never did the towers although everyone you talk to will say they were airborne like allot of guys you meet from the Marine Corps say they were Recon. poop they would have to have recon divisions to fit all the ex Marines who were Recon hahahahaha. No insult to the Corps Army guys do the same thing. I find that talking tactics tells you more about where they were in the suck than badges and units. There are allot of guys and gals who make it through airborne school that know nothing about doing actual suck time. I am not defending him. If he is lying that is his deal I thought that you were calling me out.
So toofargoneforehelp - is that how you got so messed up in the head? Did you not pack your chute properly or something? At least that would explain your bizarre, unsolicited and hostile behavior. I personally don't believe too much of anything you post anymore. If you want to convince me you'll have to send me an email with your real name. I can run it by my brother and sister-in-law in CID within a day or so and find out for myself.

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 04 October 1999).]
Hahahahaha you are going to check my stats Retodd? CID huh so they are snitches Hahahahah. You slay me. I can tell that you did not serve. Was it the asthma? You don't need to believe anything I say in fact because you were not in you don't know what I am saying. Hahahahaha. Do you have a copy of the Busa video. You know the one that compares it to a bird. Hahahahah.
Guess that means no huh?

Oh I almost forgot - hahahahahahah

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 04 October 1999).]
Of course it means no. You don't believe that I was in the military....big deal you never served. Not that your not serving bothers me as much as you believing in the Easter Bunny. Why do you want to know if I have served or not anyway? Do you want to talk about tactics with me? If you do lets talk. What was your MOS? What branch? Or did you not serve? See Todd it is easy to tell who was in or not just talk shop. Hahahahahah. I know you can't.
New report on Falcon Cop, he was a misfit in the Cadadia Mounted Police. Drilled out for mounting a horse(and not in the literal sense).

I salute you FalconCop, picking on dirty pete is pretty low. The man could of been seriously hurt and you take a jab at him.

I bet Dirty Pete would still send you a Cadadia/American Translation Dictionary to help you prepare for your home study GED.
Abuser, I think that FC actually has quite a gifted mind. Why he knows of countries I can't find on my world map. Cadadia, is that a code word for another country? Hmmm... must be secret army stuff.
Wa..Wa..Wa..))TooBad you hit the nail on the head with these Losers All the Time.

Actually I think Most of Them Have to Worry about good time their Wives instead of giving a poop what Strangers do,,C'mon guys can't get it up ??,,oh you need Busa.org to give you a lift I see,, LOL )))))

Turbo just for you sweety)))


161 ® :)
Chill buddy. It looks like Turtle went chumming for FishCop and landed him a big ol’
fish. I thought you were the fisher, not the fish. Stop using all the profanities as it just shows how much his comments are taking a toll on you. Instead, use your mind, wax
eloquent, and most of all continue with the humor.

One more thought, every time you respond it brings the title of this thread back to top of the board and the title says *FalconCop Navy Seal? No Way!!*.

[This message has been edited by shane (edited 05 October 1999).]
FalconCopBuffoon - Your married and yet your posts mention that your hobby is "whacking broads" and your profile says one of your interests are "women".

You need to concentrate on why your own wife does not satisfy you and not play Dr. Ruth with the rest of us.

shane - I laughed out loud when you told FC to "just use his mind, wax eloquent". Read some more of his posts and you'll understand his <50 IQ and 3rd grade grammatical skill make this all but impossible.

[This message has been edited by Turbo (edited 05 October 1999).]
Shhhhh... keep it quiet. I've read them, and yes, I know. Don't tear him down or he might remain at that level forever. I'm trying to build him up. Did you see his last post? - "... I'm good, and Good looking also" - I believe his self-confidence is improving and then maybe we can work on his IQ/grammar.

FunnyCop is the kind of guy that is most humorous when he is serious.

[This message has been edited by shane (edited 05 October 1999).]
All the E6 and E5's would like the E1's and recurits to fall in and hold your Fins and snorkels and mask in the upright position or parallel to the ground and I want you to run thru 32 street and down to Silver Streak Beach,any pea on's that get in your way will be forced to get down in the push up position and give me 100 push ups any back talk will be delt with by the CO.Now lets get back to motorcycle and the Blue jacket manual.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 05 October 1999).]
Shane you are funny but only because I laugh at your stupidity. I have my friends read your inane contributions for laughs. Keep up the good work.

Kawabuser you are calling out FalconCop for being low? What about what you did to Ted read what you wrote then think about who is low? Talk about glass houses.

Then you are going on about respect for people in the service? What about your friend ReTodd? He is a War Hero who not only believes in the Easter Bunny but he also brags to the world that he has relatives who release classified information to the general public even though this is a FEDERAL CRIME and you are worried that FC is lying about his military record. What is even more interesting is this is the same Retodd who chastises FC for abusing his power as a police officer. Hahahahaha Give me a break.

Before you climb into your pulpit for a sermon you need to use your little itty-bitty brains. You guys are idiots Hahahahaha.

The rules on this site are that the ten people who have appointed themselves as the omnipotent ones demand that they are treated with respect while they trash everyone else. Can you say first grade? Hahahahahah