False neutral between 5th and 6th Help


I just went out last week and bought a new 2003 Hayabusa.I only made it half way home and drove back to the dealer.The problem was the when shifting between 5th and 6th the bike would go to a false neutal.This would happen 9 out 10 times and to say the least I was not a happy camper.So I'm trying to find out if this is normal and it will work it's way out(like the dealer stated) or is it something bigger.I have about 350km on the bike.Any help!!!
I have found 6th gear to be reluctant when putting around and it needs a second wack,if you are higher in the Rs and pushing a little harder it seems to go much more smoothly.
its like this Bug....you really need to give her a whack. Lots of people say the same thing . Its not really a tranny issue, so much as its a rider/shifter issue. Really think about bangin' it up and/or adjust yer shift linkage so that yer shifter sits a little lower . I'm 99 % sure that will take care of it .

hav a good 1....RSD.
Welcome to the board.  My '02 does the same thing, this is the first I'm hearing that someone else may have the same issue.  I find that you can't be a p*ssy when shifting, shift firmly & quickly!
Rsd's right, you have to give the shifter a full pull, and it's easier sometimes when you adjust the shift lever downward. I adjusted mine and now no more false neutrals.
From the sounds of other threads regarding this 5th to 6th hole, as well my own experience it's normal and will almost completely go away after your 600mile/1000km initial service. I had it happening a few times and really had me freaked out, I got the same advice you did and it works. Shift like you mean it. A big Motor has big tranny internals and like a good boot to work best. Like I said though, after your initial service it should all but disappear. No Sweat...
hehehehehhe I've been told on different places it's MY SHIFTING. :p I still get those on occasion and some times it's tween other gears. You can adjust your foot shift position down a little to catch it easier if you like
My '03 (1700 mi) did this one time (yesterday actually) but the same thing has happened on other bikes so I am not that concerned. I just did not shift it with authority. But personally I would like an explanation of mechanically how this can happen when the tranny is full meshed. Anyone?

My '03 (1700 mi) did this one time (yesterday actually) but the same thing has happened on other bikes so I am not that concerned. I just did not shift it with authority. But personally I would like an explanation of mechanically how this can happen when the tranny is full meshed. Anyone?
The tranny shifts by a slotted drum moving shifter forks that slide gears with dogs (2 lobes sticking out parallel with the shaft) against each other on the same shaft.  The synchronized shafts refer to the shafts themselves (Not the gears that transmit the power) spinning at the same speeds.  Full meshed refers to the synchronized shafts that are constantly rotating at the same speed because of immovable gears keyed to them. The false neutral is obtained when the fork disengages one set of dogs (5th gear) and the other set is not engaged (6th gear).  You can see how this may happen if you don't snap the shifter with authority
i reccomend shifting back to 5th before trying 6th again as opposed to forcing a second upshift after missing the first one. If the shift forks are in a bind and are forced they can bend....expensive mistake...been there, done that

when making snappy shifts to make sure you get it right the first time....be careful not to force the shifter up or down more than required to complete the shift. Done enough times it damages the shifting forks.
This happened to me today on my first real ride on my Busa. Kinda worries me some since it only happened to me once on my last bike in a year (RC51) and already is doing it on the first ride of my bus. I guess I will just have to whack it in gear harder.
easy fix.
1) lube your piviot the factory does not and most dealers never do (bolt holding shifter on the foot peg brkt)
2) adjust the shifter to fit YOUR foot.
3) don't P**sy foot shift
WEIRD !! I'm not an aggressive shifter and have never noticed this after putting over 20K on my bike ...
This is an inherent fault that Suzuki have known about since production of the the Hayabusa. This problem is not 'normal' and the gung ho approach from 'kick it in' bikers has reinforced their negligence.
I pursued the matter and received a full refund on my sub standard new machine.
If more folk did the same then Suzuki would rectify a potentially lethal fault.
daron, can you shed some light on what you did and the course of action u took?

I'm curious how u worked it. Are you saying they took back the bike and gave u money back?