Fast CBR600RR


Donating Member
So most of you know I'm one of those LEOs everyone curses. I also work investigations and work limited traffic. Well I stopped a CBR600RR the other day, he was running just shy of 20 over, 58/40 but taking it very easy. It ends up being a 19 year old kid and he's as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Needless to say he didn't quite know what to say when I gave him a warning, explaining that I appreciated him wearing proper gear, complimented his bike and asked him about his polished rear sets.

I understand there are some azz hats out there that love to write bikes, just keep in mind all of us aren't that way and with many of us the right attitude makes a huge difference.
Way to go. He may not slow down for ever, but he will remember the talk about gear. I just wish we heard more stories like this. Not all LEO's are bad. But like the news media, all we ever hear about are the bad stories.
Thank you for what you do and also what you did for this kid. He will remember it.
thats cool man, good work. Last time I got pulled over I was atleast 30kph over and didn't have my current insurance on the bike and my address on the drivers license wasen't current either!! All things that I forgot about. The cop asked my why I was going so fast and I just told him "I'm a idiot". He laughed and let me off with a warning!! He could have nailed me to the wall, and he might have been 22 or 23 years old. He also thanked me not for running.
for officers like CTA!!
So... Where can I send the krispy kreme gift certificate?

Nah, just joking man. Really, what you did was quite noble and a great example of how more LEO's should use discretion when handling traffic infractions..
thanks for understanding, hope I run to one of you if I ever speed a little
Needless to say I remember my days of being young, at 19 I had an 82 GS1100 with an 1170 kit and several other toys to it and it ran quite well for its day. I remember one officer in particular, stopped me three times in one week and never did cite me and I was more than deserving. Yes I was a squid!! That left an impression and actually did slow me down and make me think a bit after listening to his lectures. You just never know who will be tomorrow's LEO, best to leave a good impression in my opinion.

Not to mention the kid gave me some great tips on how to polish my rear sets!! If mine turn out as well as his I will be very happy!
Listen here meow. You need to slow down...

Couldn't help it.

It's nice to hear the good stories, I know they are out there, but the media would never dream of talking about the good. And most people complain about the bad ones. (not saying they shouldn't, I have met a few myself)

I'll give you my Hooray LEO story.

I was in SD, stationed there, riding my 05 GSXR down the 8, a wee bit fast you might say, but only slightly faster than traffic. Was working my way through a clump of traffic, hit the front of it and goosed it a bit, and who was just around the corner!

Anyways, I pulled over before he even got to me. He told me to slow down a bit, thank me for stopping, and for serving. Then told me about a bike show that was coming up. It made more of an impression than a ticket could have ever done.

Hats off to you CTA, it's good to know that the good ones haven't all gone away.
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CTA_Busa_LE @ Aug. 13 2008 said:
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So most of you know I'm one of those LEOs everyone curses.  I also work investigations and work limited traffic.  Well I stopped a CBR600RR the other day, he was running just shy of 20 over, 58/40 but taking it very easy.  It ends up being a 19 year old kid and he's as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Needless to say he didn't quite know what to say when I gave him a warning, explaining that I appreciated him wearing proper gear, complimented his bike and asked him about his polished rear sets.

I understand there are some azz hats out there that love to write bikes, just keep in mind all of us aren't that way and with many of us the right attitude makes a huge difference.
it seems like the ones they have motorcycle themselves, they have better understanding and more open minded.

Listen here meow. You need to slow down...

Couldn't help it.

It's nice to hear the good stories, I know they are out there, but the media would never dream of talking about the good. And most people complain about the bad ones. (not saying they shouldn't, I have met a few myself)

I'll give you my Hooray LEO story.

I was in SD, stationed there, riding my 05 GSXR down the 8, a wee bit fast you might say, but only slightly faster than traffic. Was working my way through a clump of traffic, hit the front of it and goosed it a bit, and who was just around the corner!

Anyways, I pulled over before he even got to me. He told me to slow down a bit, thank me for stopping, and for serving. Then told me about a bike show that was coming up. It made more of an impression than a ticket could have ever done.

Hats off to you CTA, it's good to know that the good ones haven't all gone away.
I agree, the times you get more flys with honey than vinegar.... I think the Leo's that don't jump out and start yelling with an attitude leave a better impression. That kid will probably always wear his gear now if not for the idea it helped him get out of a ticket!!! I have only been pulled over once on a bike and I deserved a ticket and did not get one. That is in 18 years of riding!!!
being curtios to the police and remembering they are doing their job has gotten me out of many a ticket.
Excuse me sir do you know why I pulled you over?

Because I was being an azz hat and doing something I wasn't suppose to and I normally know it, and you were just doing what you are paid to do. Way to go guy with the gun, you got me....I'm sorry....Please don't call my wife as this is going to nesecitate some flowers..
being curtios to the police and remembering they are doing their job has gotten me out of many a ticket.
Excuse me sir do you know why I pulled you over?

Because I was being an azz hat and doing something I wasn't suppose to and I normally know it, and you were just doing what you are paid to do. Way to go guy with the gun, you got me....I'm sorry....Please don't call my wife as this is going to nesecitate some flowers..
bad thing is they don't have to call my wife, she is a dispatcher for a department I don't work at and I usually do my riding when she is at work. You guessed it, if they stop me she knows about it immediately. I for one would rather have the ticket as long as she doesn't find out about it!!
hey cta pm me where you at in so il.

but sweet, i have had one pull me over to talk abput my old zx9r. He thought it was just the cats arse. So he didnt write me for 68/45 but he was sturn in his mount me hat and said so whats all been done to this land missile. so we started talking. come to find out he used to ride old gs's and had a screaming cb till he got into a wreck showed me the scars and all. He invited me over for dinner then showed me his garage. come to find out he still had his gs.

so not all leo's are bad just you have to wait to find out.
So most of you know I'm one of those LEOs everyone curses. I also work investigations and work limited traffic. Well I stopped a CBR600RR the other day, he was running just shy of 20 over, 58/40 but taking it very easy. It ends up being a 19 year old kid and he's as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

Needless to say he didn't quite know what to say when I gave him a warning, explaining that I appreciated him wearing proper gear, complimented his bike and asked him about his polished rear sets.

I understand there are some azz hats out there that love to write bikes, just keep in mind all of us aren't that way and with many of us the right attitude makes a huge difference.
Tempe AZ, 1980 something and I am shooting down McKellips road WFO on a 900F Honda at around 6AM...

Group of 4 cars using both lanes two deep, rather than slow down, well I blow around them (double yellow but anyone that knows the road, you can see forever) Well low and behold, a sherriffs office detective was in that group... He caught up to me at work (Big Surf) and I was already locking up to head for jail (20 over at the time was automatic arrest)

He goes, I am sure somewhere in my trunk I have a ticket book (I am thinking he is going to warn me?) anyway, he chews me out for "blowing them off the road back there" tells me his kid rides and advises I do a better job of picking times and places...

Last time I did something that stupid too.... so it does work for at least 1 person...
Good on ya, man.

But show NO mercy on people who run red lights and stop signs.

Well I stopped a CBR600RR the other day, he was running just shy of 20 over, 58/40 but taking it very easy.  It ends up being a 19 year old kid and he's as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Probably hoping you wouldn't pat him down and find the bag of weed in his jacket pocket.