And made it better.....
Driving home I saw it in the middle of the road. I wasn't gonna stop but I had an empty box in the car so went down and U turned. Came back and turned around again. Got lucky with no traffic behind me so I stopped hopped out and grabbed it. Put it in the box and drove home. I figured I'd put it in my lake and give it a nice home. No lakes or ponds near where I found it?
Here's the rescuee safe....
I got home and set out to free what my wife insisted was a she turtle (don't ask but she says she can tell) when I had an idea. I figured seeing as how I was gonna be setting her loose in foreign turf that I wanted to give her a fighting chance with the resident boys.
So I painted a Kanji on her back to make her the fastest turtle in the lake
Here she is just getting ready to go meet the locals...
Splashdown.....(came out blurry sorry)
Kinda eerie last shot as the Kanji disappears off into the blackness of the night...
The reason I painted something on her back was that we have a huge tree laid down into our lake in our back yard and all the turtles hang out on it. I'm hoping to see her out sunning herself one day in the future. Anyway it will give all of us something to look for everytime we are out there.
Driving home I saw it in the middle of the road. I wasn't gonna stop but I had an empty box in the car so went down and U turned. Came back and turned around again. Got lucky with no traffic behind me so I stopped hopped out and grabbed it. Put it in the box and drove home. I figured I'd put it in my lake and give it a nice home. No lakes or ponds near where I found it?
Here's the rescuee safe....
I got home and set out to free what my wife insisted was a she turtle (don't ask but she says she can tell) when I had an idea. I figured seeing as how I was gonna be setting her loose in foreign turf that I wanted to give her a fighting chance with the resident boys.
So I painted a Kanji on her back to make her the fastest turtle in the lake
Here she is just getting ready to go meet the locals...
Splashdown.....(came out blurry sorry)
Kinda eerie last shot as the Kanji disappears off into the blackness of the night...
The reason I painted something on her back was that we have a huge tree laid down into our lake in our back yard and all the turtles hang out on it. I'm hoping to see her out sunning herself one day in the future. Anyway it will give all of us something to look for everytime we are out there.