finally decided on....


first time passenger taker, ne tips or tricks u guys can give a newb? i remember what they taught us from the school, saying that make sure the rider does exactly what u do etc etc....
Are you saying your new to taking passengers, or is it your a new rider & new to taking passengers?
If your pillion is heavy, make sure they counter your lean a little bit to help pull out of the turns....and make sure your pillion knows which side over your helmet to look. I'm not too sure if the Busa lifts the pillion high enough for them to see over the helmet, or if they have to look past the right...

A busa owner/rider would be able to clarify this I guess...
Have your passenger read the section on being a passenger in the Lee Parks book Total Control. Otherwise, take it easy with a passenger. Let the passenger know your new to riding 2 up, and work together as a team. Be Confident, but at the same time be Cautious with the extra weight. You will notice you need more Braking room than by yourself. Wear proper riding gear, and if you can hear your passenger screaming under the noise of the motor, well ya' better Good Luck and ride safe.
Tell your passenger to not put their feet down at stops.
Tell them to look over your right shoulder in a right turn, and vice versa for left turns.
Tell them not to fight the bike when you lean it. They should just let the bike move them and let you control the bike with your weight and counterstear, unless they weigh a lot.

For you, leave yourself a lot more room for braking. You will need it.
Lower your corner speeds and give yourself more time.
Make sure when you come to a stop your ready for the extra weight. Once you get some practice, it'll be no prob.
Tell your passenger to not put their feet down at stops.
Tell them to look over your right shoulder in a right turn, and vice versa for left turns.
Tell them not to fight the bike when you lean it.  They should just let the bike move them and let you control the bike with your weight and counterstear, unless they weigh a lot.

For you, leave yourself a lot more room for braking.  You will need it.
Lower your corner speeds and give yourself more time.
Make sure when you come to a stop your ready for the extra weight.  Once you get some practice, it'll be no prob.  
Tell your passenger to not put their feet down at stops.
Tell them to look over your right shoulder in a right turn, and vice versa for left turns.
Tell them not to fight the bike when you lean it. They should just let the bike move them and let you control the bike with your weight and counterstear, unless they weigh a lot.

For you, leave yourself a lot more room for braking. You will need it.
Lower your corner speeds and give yourself more time.
Make sure when you come to a stop your ready for the extra weight. Once you get some practice, it'll be no prob.
ride the ..passenger to the ..edge of the driveway ..then give said passenger "bus" fare.. n meet them at... said --> ..destination
well, i took my g/f out for a brief tour of the neighborhood yesterday, wasnt as bad as i thought, just took a lil longer to accelerate/ brake and it seemed a bit harder to come out of turns. other than that it was an experience, btw i was riding an 05 1000rr