Finally got my Pics


Hey Gang,

By order of everybody, I will now post the pics.

'bout time...
And that's not a redneck busa. I don't see no beer holder on it. There's a cute beer fetcher/opener warming the seat, but no cup holder. Wha'sup wit'tat?
Before ya'll get going. That is my 13 yr old daughter on my ride..... And I am a Sniper trained Infantryman....

This is the jacket I just got.... Yep, I can get it zipped up as long as I dont breath....

Before ya'll get going. That is my 13 yr old daughter on my ride..... And I am a Sniper trained Infantryman....

This is the jacket I just got.... Yep, I can get it zipped up as long as I dont breath....
... and I'm a Counter-Sniper trained LEO.
Just kiddin', man. Well, I am trained, but I wasn't callin' you out. Just playin' with ya. And I meant no offense with my comment on your daughter. I thought she looked VERY young, but I know how rednecks like the young'uns and those "arranged, shotgun" weddings.

I see where you're coming from though. Wouldn't be very cool if everyone started making out of line comments on your daughter.

Nice jacket, too...
Now please note those wonderful reflectors and safety labels... Dont they just set the bike off?

No Worrys. Those will be coming off. Just wanted to get the before and afters a going.



Hey BT,

Dude, I know you were a kidding. No offense taken. Not a problem. Just having some fun with ya.

My policy is if you cant laugh at yourself just go shoot yerself and save everybody the trouble.

Aint worried none about this gang. Everybody so far is cool as all get out.
What's that Lassie? You say Timmy's stuck in the well? Nice pics. Reflectors, blah blah, stickers, blah blah.
Now here be the list and order of mods for my ride.

Ordered a Euro Tail LED that does not require much cutting but gets rid of that dang mud flap and Prince Charles ear lookin blinkers stickin out the side.

Putting Mesh (Rounded like the front) on all the fairings (Black).

Ordering both tobin seats with the logo in red and the name Redneck across the top.

Scorpio alarm.

Clean up my camper, cause my wife is fer sure bootin my but outta the house.....

and your daughter is quite the cutie too...I can imagine the headache you must be going through with all dem boys...
That's one of the things I'm worried about if I conceive a daughter. Yikes.
Nice bike, cute daughter, but my question is why not post a pic of yourself on the Busa? Katanas are great bikes, but this is all about the Busa.
Seriously, the bike looks good, but those reflectors are killing my eyes! Nice list of mods you got going, but don't think it will stop there! And yes, you are going to have a tough time with the young mens! Enjoy.
I guess u saw that news special about the Paint on the 2004 Lim Ed Red Busas.

The earths gravitational pull actually makes it accelerate faster than any color busa ever made...or will be made in the future...

i love gonna love urs...

take care man. Keep it rubber side down.
Nice bike, sounds like you have some pretty good plans for your bike.