Finally Pics


I finally recieved my digital camera in the mail. So what better to photograph than my busa and my buddies busa! I must say it is an addiction I wasn't quite prepared to be into again. Within 1 month of owning I have 2k miles, yoshi rs3 bolt ons, pair valve removed, double bubble, busa grips, progrip nut pad, kick stand mod, REFLECTORS REMOVED, oh yeah and a new helmet coming in. Without further delay here is my sexy beast.

Nice bike, I like that color scheme.

Thank goodness you've got a new lid on the way. That mohawk thingy..
Wow, they are twin Brother and Sister....know how you can tell......??

One is wearing a bra..

Sorry for chessy joke.

Nice rides. I like the blue mohawk on the lid, gives it some character. Keep the rubber down and let them take you for the rides of your lives...
Nice bikes, my buddy scooped up his the other day. Exactly the same. He got one with 6 miles on it. SOme fool bought it, pulled away from the dealership and brought it back saying it scared the shid out of him !!

Y'all have fun in GA.
Nice lookin ride

You've been busy in the last month, huh?
A good amount of milage and some mods too

I like the mohawk

Reason for Edit: "fat fingers"|1111777794 -->
