
Donating Member
Around work and torrential rain I've finally managed to get over 400 miles on my bike. Another ride (maybe if it doesn't rain) tommorow afternoon and it'll be close to 500 mi., I can change the oil and maybe it'll start shifting better. Was doing good for a coupla hundred miles then tonight out of the blue I was missing 6th gear again. Worked fine for 25 miles or so then started (after missing the gear a coupla times) to have like a double notch in the shift. 4 grand, pre-load the shifter, do the shift and if I let out the clutch on the first notch--neutral, but wait a split second longer and it would do the second notch and then it was in gear. 3 or 4 times of this and it went back to shifting in one notch but i was home then, fun ride turned to a stress ride, bummer.
The collective here assures me that an oil change will help a lot, sure hope so, am about ready to start pulling my hair out.
I know the 5-6 shift from the feel of the double notch. Kind of the same as the 1-2 shift. You'll get used to it.
(TXBusa05LE @ Sep. 13 2007,18:26) shift hard...
Bubba I am. I'm wearin' a raw spot on top of my foot.

But that's probably just the bike telling me to wear my boots and quite riding in tennis shoes.  
Come to think of it, 2 yrs ago when I bought mine, I hated the way it shifted when new. Baby it, normal it, it was the same. Nearly 10k miles later I still have the false neutrals. Sometimes it will shift like silk, others like rocks...
(TXBusa05LE @ Sep. 13 2007,18:38) Come to think of it, 2 yrs ago when I bought mine, I hated the way it shifted when new. Baby it, normal it, it was the same. Nearly 10k miles later I still have the false neutrals. Sometimes it will shift like silk, others like rocks...
well, I;m glad I;m not the only one that gets neutral going to 2nd. I have 9600 on mine.
glad u atleast said tennis shoes i was thinking u were about to say sandels or flip flops ......but boots will help ur shifting cuz its a solid surface and ur tennis shoe has give to it
My 06 has nearly 19,000 on it and at first, it seemed hard to get into 6th. Stayed that way until after the first two oil changes when I switched to Amsoil synthetic. Wasn't an automatic fix but within just a few hundred miles, no more missed shifts! Every shift now is smooth as buttah.
(Busa505 @ Sep. 13 2007,23:16) glad u atleast said tennis shoes i was thinking u were about to say sandels or flip flops ......but  boots will help ur shifting cuz its a solid surface and ur tennis shoe has give to it      
I'm just getting used to it. 6th gear is the only problem, the rest go in just fine so I use it as an overdrive, "cruiser" gear and let it take whatever time it wants to go in.
Also I'm contemplating reversing the shift pattern but a little concerned about how long it will take to reverse my brain pattern.
And yes, the Sidis are getting a lot more use these days.