Finished making my bar ends


Banned Permanently By MC Mustang
I wanted to make a set of alum. bar ends and thanks to this board,it made known to me that the weight was important part of reducing bar vibration.
So I ended up using Hastelloy X a no corrosion Aerospace material tha is plentyful in my shop.

Although they are not unique by all means,they are my style.
I am so excited to get my mods underway.
I got Gel grips in the mail,preformed fairing screens in the mail(thanks postal),justordered my Rizoma rear sets (thanks PJ)
An extended swingarm is in the near future,and of course some Johnny Cheese mods.


Nice! How much do they weigh compared to the stock ends?

They can also be used as personal protection in case someone tries to rob you near the bike. Just push them into the bar ends.
Outstanding! Are you gonna make any more? How much would you charge??
Thanks,in the pic. it looks like there are little dents,but by al lmeans,they are smoothe as glass.
I might throw them back in the machine just to polish a gleamier shine into them.
They weigh about the same,but ya got me curious now,I will have to put them on the scale.
I made 2 sets,but the 2nd set still needs the counter bore and tap thread put in it.
My EYES, My EYES, what no kick stand mod.  
. I'ed hate to see those "Purty" things bite into the dirt (or asphalt is it may be) and damage them.  

You did a great job and they look it  
They do look pretty good. I have been looking for some like that. I am sure it would not be much to get them powder coated or annodized black. If you decide to produce several sets to sell be sure to post it. I'd rather support someone here than the local bike shops.
My EYES, My EYES, what no kick stand mod.[/QUOTE]
I wuz waiting for someone to pick up on that.
Actually my next purchase is going to be a schnitz racing adj. billet kickstand.Which brings me to my next question.
If I get this,is there any mod that I will still need to do?