First Electronic Problem

Thanks TLR99 for the tip but now it's even worse,I had to go to another building within our complex so I rode the Hayabusa there 1/2 mile and when I parked the bike I notice alot of smoke "black" coming from the pipes after the engine was shut off and the smell of gas.The bike was parked on a down hill slope. Anyways did my job and went out to start the bike and it would not start and it felt like the battery was weak and the FI light came on and the error code F1 also showed up on the readout,anyways had to get back to my main building and rode it there with no problem but the same raw gas smell.Some A@@hole in a Van wanted to race me inside our plant so I could not let the guy by anyways the bike ran smooth except the FI idiot light on and the readout switching between F1 error code and the clock"strange".Could it be a loose battery connection or connector loose some where?
Need help cause it's my ride home and it's 12:50 Northern Cal time.Boy times like this is when I wish I did not sell my 98TL-R or 89Gsxr1100.Sweating bullets,hope it doesn't die on the Freeway.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 12 August 1999).]
Started my bike this morning 5am and notice a strong gas smell after a minute of warmup.Had the left thumb speed adjustment lever full on.I looked at my instrument panel and noticed my FI light was on and my gas gauge was way pass the FULL mark.Turned off the bike and resetted the left handle speed lever to off and restarted the bike and everything went to normal.Has any one had this problem? It's no big thing but I thought I'd post it to see if other people had the same minor problem.
dude, they just found thay problem hiabuser was having with his bike, there was sludge in his gas tank(don't ask me where it came from)and it was causing all kinds of problems.They put in on the dyno with a pressure guage and watched the pressure drop as the bike shut off.They pulled the tank, removed the fuel pump, and guess what?the screen was clogged up.THe shop cleaned the tank out, replaced the fuel pump, and replaced the crank angle sensor and it ran fine.Of course these parts came off the wrecked busa, the new stuff should be in today.I would have the shop check out your tank and fuel pump.I hope this helps and you can get it fixed.
ride safe and have a good one

Gixerbike1 thanks for the tip I'll keep my eye on the gauges and all the idiot lights.My chain is also slapping the swingarm so I got my work cut out this weekend to check everything on this bike plus another oil change.

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 12 August 1999).]
Hi Cisco, I remember you from the TLR board buddy, will try to help.

Electronics is my business and my life (pretty sad hey?) so after reading your post it occurred to me that the FI light was ON and the GAS LEVEL read FULL.

Sooo, the FI light comes on when the ECM detects a sensor that is reading out of range. The Suzuki sensors read from 20% to 70% (example) so any detected reading of 0% OR 100% will be picked up as an error. Pretty clever.

In your case, the fact that the FI light was on indicates that the ECM was aware that A SENSOR was faulty. If the bike motor ran, that rules out cam sensor and crank sensor, but it could be any other sensor.

Sooo, which sensor might be at fault?? The gas level sensor is not connected to the ECM, so my guess is the TPS (throttle position sensor) - the clue you gave was that the left 'bar "choke" was on, and that sets the throttle flap position - and that is attached to the TPS. Follow me? The TPS is mounted on the end of one of the throttle flaps, and may have dirt/corrosion in it.

It is a rotary electrical sensor, in my job we see a huge amount of these sensors that play up (in VCRs!!) - not that reliable I am afraid!

If you get a chance, spray NON RESIDUE electrical solvent into the sensor and turn the throttle a lot to work it in. Should then
give a reliable elec signal and your bike will run good. Maybe I'm right??? Good luck buddy.