First tats for Diana and I


Married to HRH Grammy
Donating Member
Diana and I have been planning to get tats for a couple of years but never seemed to get around to it. Last night that changed. Orignally I was going to get a small portrait style pic and ended up signing up for a half sleeve of Sun Wokong, the Monkey King (long story) and Diana got the top of her foot done with a sun/mon and 3 stars, one star for each kid.

All in all I spent a little over 3 hours in the chair to get all of the outline done and part of the shading.
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And here's mine. The stars represent the kids - one for each in their favorite color. As for the sun and moon, anyone familiar with the movie Willow, "you are my sun, my moon, my star-lit sky. I dwell in darkness without you." They are for my Dan.

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I just realized the I screwed up the name of the thread. I was typing and my thumb hit the touch pad on the laptop and moved the cursor.
Thanks! I have another 3 hour session scheduled in two weeks. He is going to finish the shading, complete the under part of my arm and begin adding color.
sweet you too i love all my ink i cant wait to start my next full sleeve i will hopefully have more ink than most people on the org
Willow. Love that movie.

Great tats, you two!

Very nice Dan and Diana. A family that tats and rides together stays together! Eh Blondie?
Thanks guys. I had no idea what to expect so I was a bit nervous. There were only a couple of places that were uncomfortable. Since I'm getting the half sleeve, I'm waiting to see what Diana does next.
Thanks guys.  I had no idea what to expect so I was a bit nervous.  There were only a couple of places that were uncomfortable.  Since I'm getting the half sleeve, I'm waiting to see what Diana does next.
I can't let you out do me, can I?
yo thats gonna look awesome colored in...wifeys loos great too..if ya dont mind da thread jack ill share my sleeve im workin on

heres another angle...doin like an island scene...whole arm eventualy gonna be sleeved...with volcano on upper arm lil tiki men runnin fo there lives...
