First time motorcycle drag racer? (long read)

Thats the kind of post :thumbsup:
that makes the wish to try it stronger :whistle:

Seems to be easy , only a little concentration..
a bit guts........
and then.....12.5 in first run :banghead:

so try whats wrong

ohhhh 11.9................

............yea 10.99

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh addicted:lol::lol::lol:
this dammed 9.99 must come

think it wont stop
wow i was kinda breathing heavy by the end of your post my blood pressure is up and im kinda excited lol thanks
I would like to comment on your great perspective of the sport. :thumbsup:
I just wish that you had mentioned that the main objective was to have fun.
My own story is too long to go into, but racing has always been my passion and I have
always tried to keep the "Funameter" going. It was just recently I relized I had family that races at a professional level in Top-fuel Funny cars and was married into a drag-racing dynasty.JFR. Now it seems eveyone views my racing as a trival pursuit to gain something from their accomplishments. Everbodies expectations seem misguided. I love racing motorcycles and having fun with it and enjoying the commaradre with other builders and racers. It now seems the "Funameter" is waining. My point here is no matter what "enjoy what you do, do what you enjoy." Although the "Wally" puts racers on a pedestal for their winning accomplishment, most racers come from humble beginnings. Many times the arrogance and attitude at some tracks takes the fun right of it. Mix a well known name in drag-racing circles and some people just take advantage of others. I know I only speak for my expeirience, I just dislike the fun of just racing not being there because of a few funked up attitudes.???
I remember the first time (only time) I ran my Busa down the track a few times......there is something to be said about clutch release:laugh:...more than just let it go and get it..:whistle:

edit: what am I doing in the pic?

I would like to comment on your great perspective of the sport. :thumbsup:
I just wish that you had mentioned that the main objective was to have fun.
My own story is too long to go into, but racing has always been my passion and I have
always tried to keep the "Funameter" going. It was just recently I relized I had family that races at a professional level in Top-fuel Funny cars and was married into a drag-racing dynasty.JFR. Now it seems eveyone views my racing as a trival pursuit to gain something from their accomplishments. Everbodies expectations seem misguided. I love racing motorcycles and having fun with it and enjoying the commaradre with other builders and racers. It now seems the "Funameter" is waining. My point here is no matter what "enjoy what you do, do what you enjoy." Although the "Wally" puts racers on a pedestal for their winning accomplishment, most racers come from humble beginnings. Many times the arrogance and attitude at some tracks takes the fun right of it. Mix a well known name in drag-racing circles and some people just take advantage of others. I know I only speak for my expeirience, I just dislike the fun of just racing not being there because of a few funked up attitudes.???
The Fun meter... you know that is why I quit for the most part... I pretty sure I talked about this on another thread but I was in Boise in the final round of the Night Fire Nationals (THE big event for us Fuel Altered guys) and it turned into work all of a sudden... do not know what happened, I just got tired.. We finished the event (won) and that was the last event I ever attended as a crew chief.. can not explain what it was either...

JFR? John Force Racing? beautiful!!! IF you speak with John, ask him about "Weenie" out of Scottsdale (Car owner of Phoenix Racing and was my boss so to speak). :rofl: He is also good friends with my mentor Famous Amos... I was usually the guy eyeballing what ever I could lay my hands on.. Got to talk with him a couple times but the guy is running at 300mph all the time.. I knew Kevin (his clutch guy) a lot better..

We used to match race with John a few times a year on the west coast (and El paso raceway) before he hit the big time.. Everyone thinks he is just putting on a show?/ not a chance , that is who he is (well he did get a bit worse) :laugh: We made at least 1 trip a year to Yorba Linda to pick up his old stuff for the match race car..

I must say that one of the highlights of my racing experiences came that expense of others... Don Prudome decking another racer for calling him "mojo" and Frank Bradly dumping Paul Smith for boinking Daniel Deporter (wrist pin in hand too) at Phx... was all the rage for a week or two.. Yea attitudes are an issue at the circus event level :rofl: