Fitting a Gen-3 screen.

Tony Nitrous

Sounds a bit odd, but Im not near my bike at the moment.

Ive fitted aftermarket screens to a few bikes without a drama, but never a Gen-3.

Anything different ? Super easy ? Complicated ? Much stuff to be removed ?

Im not expecting a drama but forewarned is forearmed.


Not me. Maybe I've gotten clumsy. The first thing is that apparently the stock windscreen has some kind of clip on the nose, which is good to move to the new aftermarket screen, and mine didn't.
Then, my zero gravity sport touring short did not want to wiggle into place, and it was much more brittle than I was expecting, and the left arm / mounting extension broke clean off. I'm really not sure how, and think I may have gotten a defectively brittle screen.
Then the left side rubber mount that the Star Bolt screws into somehow slid loose from the bracket and probably dropped down into the body work somewhere. ( I'm out of date, and I have done a search in this forum, but there aren't any clear best places to order online parts. Recommendations welcome...)
I feel like an idiot. This should have been easy.
As well, it's possible my eyes have gotten worse. I've noticed when I'm working on the bike in direct sunlight that I can't see into dark shaded areas very well. I don't remember that ever being an issue (but maybe it's exacerbated with the white bike). But now I'm thinking about having a mirror handy to get some light into the dark body work.
* decided I didn't like the sport touring short anyway. I didn't realize it was horizontally shortened. Now I'm torn between the sport touring regular which I think will be too big, or the Double Bubble which only gives me an inch higher protection...
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I think my stock screen had a approximately 1” square rubber bumper on the top side probably for anti rattle. A little hard to see both sides at once to align the screen so I understand how you cracked it. One of my rubber grommet nuts slipped and cocked a little but I was able to recover it. I have two tips. 1) put a little grease on your screw threads. 2) I used a small plastic flat washer under the screws so the underside of the screw head would not dig into the paint. I feel your pain about eye site. Good luck.