Flat tire

#1 too dangerous
#2 you will still have a flat tire
#3 when you do change your tire - it will be full of milk

Don't do it.
If it gets you home, what's the diff? Everyone seems to think you need a new tire and not a patch anyway.

My opinion, if you're not trying to set a land speed record, a patch from the inside is OK. To do that, they have to take the tire off, and they can clean it out then.
I used Fix-a-flat on my front tire last year just to get me home, worked ok but you could tell it was not the same, felt unbalanced.. rode it about 20 miles.. make sure you tell you shop changing the tire that it has FAF in it or they might charged extra for the mess it makes...
Don't know about fix a flat but I have had two rear tires plugged after catching the odd screw on the road. Didn't have any problems with the plugs even at high rates of speed over 150mph and higher.
I've been told its corrosive.

As far as plugs, you won't see me running high speed on them. There's no way a plug in a tire can still be Z rated. Sure it worked at 150mph a few times, but you're not going to see me going that fast on a plug. It only takes one time...
There's no way a plug in a tire can still be Z rated. [/QUOTE]
I like to live on the edge...[/QUOTE]
Be sure to not kill the person(s) your riding with when you blow out that front tire at 150+
I can attest to a high speed blow out with a front tire plug. I topped mine out with a plug and when i came to a stop my tire was almost torn in 2. Angels were on my shoulder that night.