Well, it took me a while to post my thoughts on a flip face helmet. This is just me and your fit may be different then what goes on my head. Helmets fit differently on everyone.
I must say that I love Helmet City. We shipped back five (5) helmets without a hitch. They paid return ship on the first exchange. I picked up return ship on the rest. They paid ship to me.
I want to add that I bought the Arai Corsair first. Noise. A lot of noise.
Sent it back for the Shoei RF 1000. Nice fit but..noise. Bounced around on my head. Ordered smaller size..same thing. Pushed in towards my face.
I said "thats it"! I have a Shoei RF 900 that matches the bike and it is way quiet. Love it but don't wear it much. There if I need to.
So..I decided to get a flip face. I know. Several people are/were concerned about protection in the chin area. I can see this concern but ordered up the new helmet just released by Shoei. Multitec.
Thread continued below. RF 900 first.
Well, it took me a while to post my thoughts on a flip face helmet. This is just me and your fit may be different then what goes on my head. Helmets fit differently on everyone.
I must say that I love Helmet City. We shipped back five (5) helmets without a hitch. They paid return ship on the first exchange. I picked up return ship on the rest. They paid ship to me.
I want to add that I bought the Arai Corsair first. Noise. A lot of noise.
Sent it back for the Shoei RF 1000. Nice fit but..noise. Bounced around on my head. Ordered smaller size..same thing. Pushed in towards my face.
I said "thats it"! I have a Shoei RF 900 that matches the bike and it is way quiet. Love it but don't wear it much. There if I need to.
So..I decided to get a flip face. I know. Several people are/were concerned about protection in the chin area. I can see this concern but ordered up the new helmet just released by Shoei. Multitec.
Thread continued below. RF 900 first.