Florida Warning:Senate Bill 126

Badagindo,the point I'm trying to make is that alot of biker/motorcyclist would complain about the way the government trys to pass laws that affect bikers/motorcycle.It's like more government control on your life.How would you feel if the government said that only bright orange riding gear will be the only color allowed on the Highway since we found out that less accidents are prevented due to the bright orange suit being seen which saves medical and insurance cost and anyone not wearing or doesn't want to wear this color will have to come up with a $1,000,000 coverage.We need less government control in this country.The part about the helmet law that I was trying to put across was alot of riders in California will ***** about anything but will not come out to protest or help out in changing any of the motorcycle laws that are being brought up in the State or Federal government agenda.Ride safe
Its simple--get a governor that likes to ride bikes without helmets and get him voted into office like we did in Louisiana and he will get the no helmet law passed --as long as you have health coverage of some type your legal withut a lid!! but to be honest i just like the choice and FREEDOM to ride how i want --I always wear my lid-----
I never needed a law to tell me to wear my helmet. When I lived in Seattle they must have put it in and repealed it three times, at least. I just always wore mine, didn't even know if it was required or not.

But Cisco's right, you have to keep your eye on the politicians. They will try to fuk with you.
Warning Florida motorcycle riders,Senate Bill 126 will come up to make you carry $100,000 insurance coverage if you ride your motorcycle with out a helmet and are involve in a motorcycle accident.The senate in your state are saying that your are a risk to the State and that is why they are pushing this bill thru.The problem with this is that if this bill passes other bills will follow to make it expensive to ride a motorcycle.They do not impose the same requirments for car drivers when they get in the same type of accident.So write your State congress person and fight of this bill,also Bill HB117 is the same type of bill but would only require $10,000 coverage for motorcycle riders who ride with out a helmet and get involve in a motorcycle accident.Get involve people in Flordia and don't sit on your butts like California Riders did on the Helmet Law,start riding your Congress person.To all others who say why fight this bill it will be a start of other Bills that will come down the pipe that will start restricting what we motorcyclist can do,ride,or wear.Ride Safe all
With all due respect, I don't see the connection between helmet laws and future laws that will "no doubt" control what bike we ride. It is true that un-insured, un-helmeted riders do cost a lot of money to fix up after a crash.

Just 2 cents. Probably worth less.
Also, keep in mind that $100,000 is the amount of COVERAGE you'd be required to carry to ride lidless. Most insurance plans START with coverage at $50,000 and RECOMMEND carrying higher insurance (up to $500,000). I have $100,000 coverage on my bikes AND my cars, which, according to discussions with friends in the insurance business, is pretty much the standard level. The PREMIUMS for my YZF600 is only $350 for this full coverage.

ps: I don't work for any insurance company and am not affiliated in any way with any insurance company except as a customer.
I will agree with a law like that when the government passes a law that make cigarette smoker carry extra life and medical expense insurance.