

This might not mean anything to you across the pond but England just beat world cup, and European Football champions Spain.
Beat them 1-0 at Wembley, our national football stadium.
It was only a friendly, but it was played like a competition match.
Frank Lampard scored.
Now if you don't know about the England team, we go through some highs and lows with them, mostly lows lately, like last years word cup.
Put quite a few new young players in the team, and we played the best I can remember for a while.
Had to defend a lot, the Spanish team are so good, but in the end we rattled them.
But if I know the manager, he will bring back the usual players for the European championships and we won't do so well.:banghead:.
Got another friendly match against Sweden on Tuesday.

Also a big :thumbsup: to Scotland, Wales, and The Republic of Ireland who also won.
The Ireland game was to get into next years Euro championship finals and they won 4-0 away, they've got the home leg next week.