?? For anyone who has installed a MANUAL TENSIONER


I want to know the most accurate and easy way to adjust it. I know many have said to install it, tighten it finger tight, start the motor, back it out till you hear noise, snug it up until the noise goes away, then lock the jam nut. I WANT TO KNOW FROM THE PEOPLE THAT HAVE INSTALLED THE MANUAL UNIT, HOW YOU ADJUSTED YOURS???I don't want to put it on and lock the motor up when trying to adjust it!!!!Any help will be appreciated by many!!
You could do it the way you described. But I took my valve cover off and adjusted it that way. But if your not sure take it to your mechanic and have them install it.
If you are not sure, take it to a mechanic. I screwed mine up. My mechanic said to adjust it properly the first, you should take the cam cover off. There was a post a couple of days ago how to install it. Find it and do it. I wish they posted 2 weeks ago and I wouldn't be in the trouble I am in know!