Fork oil


Donating Member
Anyone changed out thier fork oil to a differant WT oil and what is the stock oil WT ? I'm getting ready to do some work on mine,maybe springs and valves..
I would like to know that myself ,I'm guessing 10WT but not sure maybe I can call the bike shop tomorrow and see if I find out I will post it.
I have a Liter of Motul 10-15W fork oil already thought about using it. But I am going to wait til I get springs and set sag first.
Sounds good ,but what is the stock oil wt = 2
?I guess it to be 10wt but have not read anything on it ,I know I got 90wt oil in my stabilizer and it is still not stiff enought for me,maybe a motorhead will read this ....

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This will be a lot of help... the manual says use Suzuki L01 fork oil or equivalent. But it doesn't give the wt. or what the equivalent would be...
Talked to shop in Lexington Ky. today and the service dept. said it was 10 WT stock oil in the Busa,I put some 15WT back in and like it much better..
I weigh about 210 and and with leather about 240 so I wanted a little more cush if its too much I could do your deal and try it ,last bike I did 15wt and it was ok but thats a great tip on the oil cause its hard to find what you want around here so you just make it yourself..