Anyone have any Pics of their frame sliders actually saving the bike
..... My buddy just laid his bike down just wondering if they would have helped him out???Thanks
well?...if it helps ya decide?...i know that my vortex sliders saved my left fairing (albiet in a low speed go down on concrete) but the bootom line is this...(tinbender0 @ Sep. 10 2006,04:00) Hey Jinkster thanks for the pic,,,,Sorry about your bike though. My friends bike is alot worse than that. Along with the scrapes, he cracked the tail section and tail light assembly. He really hasn't told me how fast he was going but he said if it wasn't for the fence he would have slid into a pond!!! I guessing the pond is a least 50 feet from the road!! He's lucky he's not hurt and says the bike seems O.K. other than the plastics..I guess it's time for custom paint or something!
Still don't know if I'm going to get sliders or not??
The frame sliders are mounted using the stock engine mount bolts behind the side panels.(tinbender0 @ Sep. 10 2006,19:35) Did you guys install them yourselves or did you pay to have it done...Do they bolt to an existing place on the frame or do you have to drill and tap em'?