Yesterday after not riding my bike for a couple months my front brakes were squishy.. I assumed it was air in the lines or at least something that a quick bleed would fix..
I popped the reservoir cover off, pulled out the existing fluid added some new and bled the mc and both calipers off then refilled the reservoir and put the cap on. At which time the lever was hard and each pull was good wait 5 seconds and the lever goes all the way to the bar
squeeze a few times and it's good
for a few seconds
I've bled brakes before and have never had a problem so I assume I know what I'm doing
I have no fluid leaks that I can see. I'm not seeing bubbles in a test bleed so I figure all my connections are air and fluid tight. I'm wondering if it could be the check valve in the mc? Is that something I can replace separate from the mc itself?
Any thoughts?
I popped the reservoir cover off, pulled out the existing fluid added some new and bled the mc and both calipers off then refilled the reservoir and put the cap on. At which time the lever was hard and each pull was good wait 5 seconds and the lever goes all the way to the bar

I've bled brakes before and have never had a problem so I assume I know what I'm doing

Any thoughts?