FSMD Customer Service


I have a black part that I am selling here and just before it shipped I looked it over real good, upon examination I found some dirt specks in the paint(on the underside where it is never seen anyway). I quickly contacted FSMD by email and Olivier responded quickly with "Please return the part and I will ship you a new one"(the part I had was an early production piece).

I also addressed the issue of the turn signals not being supplied with the male piece for the pigtail.Olivier responded "The pig tails are being brought in to North America from France ASAP", as I explained that here in the US, Americans expect a finished solution vs a crimp and silicone to install turn signals.

Thank you Olivier(FSMD) for providing a quick and effective solution to these issues.
As I am trying to get together a good size order for these kits, this note is very timely. I have been reading all of the notes regarding this product as I am beginning to set up as a distributor for FMSD. I was a little dissappointed to hear that a few of you guys were having a hard time installing the kits. I am glad that you, KawAbuser, took the time to send out this topic note, but even before you did, I had intended on doing some of the mods necessary to make these kits a little easier to install myself, before I ship them to the end-users. ie. picking up some license plate lights, and maybe even taking care of some of the drilling. I do have 7 Hayabusa.org members awaiting my prices, and I appreciate their patience as I await a final qty./dealer price list from FSMD. I will be letting all of you know either over this weekend, or during the early part of next week. :) :)

And, if you havn't already contacted me to request a price yet, please do, and don't forget to include your shipping address and a good reach phone number:



[This message has been edited by RPM (edited 29 October 1999).]

[This message has been edited by RPM (edited 29 October 1999).]
Guys thanks for all the work .. I for one will benefit from your work and experiences ... awesome product .. RPM, your assistance in setup is greatly appreciated!!
KawAbuser, I had those same paint bubbles caused by dirt specks but decided to over look them as they were on the underside.

You don't need to get a separate licence plate illuminator, the white light on the underside of the tail lamp is fine. You just cut a rectangular hole in the undertail to let the light through onto the plate.

The flush mount turn indicators work well and are bright enough to be quite conspicuous. Not as bright as stock of course, but safely bright.

To mount the hugger, you have to drill two holes in the swing arm, and you will need that screw-in coiled thread (I forget the brand name) to avoid having to tap.

I hope FSMD will ship me the pig tails at no charge when they get them.

It's a great-looking mod, much better than photos can show. With proper installation instructions and a complete supply of installation parts the labor component of the installation will be acceptable.
KawAbuser, come clean with us.

How come you get nice pre-production bits to test? And get to meet in person, for instance, the Zero Gravity and FSMD guys?

I seem to remember your saying you had an uncle with a Norton dealership. Does he also sell other brands? (I hope so). Do you work there or does he just give you stuff to test before he carries it?

How often do you sleep with your wife? What religion do you follow? Have you stopped beating your dog? Any criminal convictions? How much do you make? Medical record?

Actually, just answering the motorcycle questions would fill in some holes...if you don't consider it an invasion of privacy.

I myself have stopped beating both my wife and dog, and have been granted an absolute pardon by our Prime Minister for that stuff at Altamont.