Fuel capacity?


Ran the bike pretty low, but not out of gas and it took 5.1 gals to fill -- thought cap on the 05 Ca model was 5 gals. Just wondering if my local gas miester's pumps are out of calibration (in his favor) or if the 5 gallons is a "guestimate"
5.0 for a CA model gas tank...they have to allow for expansion on a hot day. I too have been able to get about 5.05-5.1 in one  
Thanks BA
Musta been on fumes-- she didn't miss a beat tho -- ran from genesee on the 5 to el norte on the 15 with the light on.
Did about the same thing up north here... San Luis to Pacifica on one tank. 4.98 gal fillup. I noticed I was dry when it sputtered on me.
Thanks BA
Musta been on fumes-- she didn't miss a beat tho -- ran from genesee on the 5 to el norte on the 15 with the light on.
Your welcome

I've been out in BFE a few times and didn't know where the next gas station was...thought I would have to push it a few times
Damn Mike! Thats a long way with the light on! 5.1 gallons? Did you fill it into the neck at all. Maybe there is just enough room at the top of the tank....huh?