Fuel pump not running or engaging


Busa Rancher
Donating Member
Well just as well start from the beggining I am working on this bike for a friend he bought it wrecked and now is fixing it it has a broken frame so we need to swap it but before we did that i wanted to start the bike make sure it was in all good running order.

Well batter was shot so hooked up a battery charger turned the switch on and all power was good signals lights and gauges all worked fine and it turned over.

Only thing i noticed was the MPG gauge went up to around 60 mph. Then when the kill was turned on i heard no fuel pump run or attempt or even kick in but then the tach ran up to about 7400 rpms. I have checked most all the wires and see nothing broken or cut i even took a test light and tested the wires to the fuel pump but i could not get a light anywhere there.

Is there anything else i am missing what else do i need to check? all the connections seemed good that i checked. there isn't some button to flick to reset the system is there?

I checked all fuses and they where good also

Any and all help is greatly appricated if there is anything in particular that you need to know to help please just ask and i will desrcibe and try to find what you need to know
First of all you should never use a test light. The amount of resistance it adds to the circuit can damage it. Use a digital volt meter instead, due to it's 10Meg ohm or higher resistance it is invisible to the circuit and will not harm it. The other problem with a test light is it only tells you it has enough voltage to light a bulb, but when the difference between a circuit running properly or not can be as little as a volt or less, this has told you nothing. Also power flucuations or peak voltage spikes cannot be read.

That said it sounds like the ECM is screwed.
Well i'll try the volt meter when i get it back it woulda been my first use but i had it loaned out to a friend and i just got it back i figured that the test light would at least give me a hint if there was power there

What do you think coulda caused the ECM to fry? i guess i can pull the ECM outta my bike and try it or could i be putting my own ECM at risk if i try this?
I don't have my manual here to look at, but there is a "tip over" switch that will kill the fuel pump in the event of a wreck. This is a busa we are talking about, right? Anyway, reset that & hopefully you will have an operating fuel pump.

So how's the weather on the flat land?
Is the fuel tip over switch resetable? I am still voting ECM fried due to the gauge malfunctions. I would not put your ECM on it personally. I am not certain of the year differences but the ECM's are different I think the the change was in 02'.
I will have to check my manual when I get home. I found this site that talks about the GSXR 750, but I have no idea if it is the same switch used on the Busa.

Tip-over switch

By the design of the one shown there, The swith should turn the fuel injection on when you stand the bike up. Unless it is damaged or stuck. Hell, I don't know... just throwing out ideas!
well this bike is an 03 busa and i have an 02 so i figured if anything i could do the PCM swap to check it i can post pics of how the bike was wrecked the frame was broke at the neck and the stator was ground down some.

i have had no luck finding any broken or frayed wires all connections seem to be in good order

Probly will call a few shops and see what they can also tell me
Thanks much all

and BusainSD not bad here just trying to keep warm the -15 below weather this morning was not good but at least no wind just makes keeping some cattle waters open a problem
OK i have found that if i ground the yellow and black stripped wire outta the fuel relay then everything works and goes to normal except the fuel pump runs all the time amd the gauges return to there normal postions at the bottom?

what is the easiest way to check the tip sensor?

Or dose this mean it's my ecm? mabey prossible a major ground problem?
yup kickstand, my used to do the same thing. the kickstand wire plug was not makeing good contact.