Fuggin ups


Wherever I May Roam
Donating Member
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>***UPDATE***</span></span> Read my post further down this thread.

I was all happy yesterday expecting my new tires.  I ended up getting Avon Viper Sport AV-59 & AV-60's.  Well at the end of my shift (5:30pm) it was obvious that they weren't coming so I called UPS.  They told me they were still on the truck and to expect them before the business closes (9:00pm).  Any one here ever see a UPS truck at 9 at night?  Didn't think so.  Anyway the UPS hub is close to where I work so I went there.  I got there at 6:15 and a young lady assisted me the best she could by making phone calls.  She told me the driver was running behind and gave some of his packages to a couple other drivers to help him out.  I said I can not believe you'd allow drivers to remove packages from their vans to another van without the proper scan.  That totally defeats what a tracking number is for.  I was there until almost 7:30 (they close at 7) and her final statement to me was we'll look for them when the trucks arrive and call you if we find them.  YEAH RIGHT I JUST FELL OFF THE TURNIP WAGON!  I am so god**mn irate at this point I get home and call UPS again.  This time I warned the poor guy who answered that I was furious, told him my story and demanded to speak to a supervisor.  The supervisor gets on the phone and after a few minutes of banter tells me there's a huge possibility that my tires never left Cerritos CA where the last physical scan took place.  When the tires arrived in Hartford CT at 2:44 pm on Aug 3 I'm being told was only a logistical scan - that means the trailer with my item has arrived but this means nothing until they do a physical scan of the actual item.  So my tires are either in Hartford and haven't been scanned yet or they stayed behind in Cerritos OR some jacka$$ is out tooling around town with my new tires on his bike.  I just called again to see if they could contact Hartford to see if any effort had been made to locate them.  I was told that the hubs don't return messages on Saturdays and that the next step is for the shipper to initiate a trace.  One last thing about UPS - the woman I spoke to just now shows the last activity on my effort to find my tires was when I called yesterday afternoon.  There were no notes from when I went to the hub or from when I spoke to that supervisor who promised to help me.  The bottom line is I don't know who to believe and I don't know if the shipper insured the tires for replacement value, I don't know if I'm out the money, I can't afford to buy another set - I am completely at the mercy of UPS and their freakin system.  Way to go UPS.  Thanks for making this a great weekend.  A$$HOLES!!!

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Hope they show up soon. Hope you have enough rubber to ride until they show up. I know what its like waiting for parts to come in when the bike is down.
ups or united parcel smashers as they are know here, will either break it or lose it and deny till hell freezes over that it is there fault. i am sure you will get your tires, but do not put a lot of faith in ups insurance it will not pay off even if you put there nads in a vice.
on the bright side they know you are a little teaved off which might make them look for them a little harder.
A UPS employee somewhere has a new set of tires. Kidding aside, atleast your not dealing with USPS. They took 3.5 weeks to deliver a Muzzy exhaust system to Cali from Va on a supposed 10 day delivery. I was in the process of refunding the guys money and it got delivered. I lucked out and will NEVER ship a big item through USPS again. Small stuff is ok.
UPS blows. I refuse to use them unless they are the only option. I deal with some vendors in Mexico and they shipped a huge box to me "Overnight" to the tune of about $600USD. The box showed up 5 days later!
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>***UPDATE***</span></span> UPS called me. THEY FOUND MY TIRES. They had someone wait for me to get there and go get them. Problem solved right? WRONG! It was late as hell and I needed them mounted. I called Mickey Finn's Honda on the Berlin Turnpike and spoke to the gentleman in service. He was the only one there and was busy as hell. He must have felt bad or whatever but he told me to come on down and he'd mount them for me. Woooooo hoooooooo!!! I got them mounted and had time to do a quick ride (less then 20 miles). Night and day compared to the stockers. These feel like I'm riding on fluid. They lean so nice. The bike actually feels flickable. I'm taking a hundred + mile ride tomorrow so I'll post more about how they feel later. The one bad thing that happened is I scratched my rear rim taking it off the bike. I was in a hurry abd the rear caliper got hung up in the wheel and I just fuggin tugged at it...that'll teach me. It's not a gouge or anything. I touched it up with Sharpie. My wife (bless her heart) is so patient. I had us running around everywhere - spending money left and right. I needed a 36mm socket for the rear axlenut and Sears doesn't sell the seperatly so I bought a set for $40, it was $45 to get the tires mounted (big, huge props to John at Micky Finn's for hooking me uo last minute), then I saw gloves there that I liked and she bought them for me then took me to lunch. Other than running around like a chicken with my head cut off it turned out to be a great day. Thanks for letting me rant. KEVIN
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>***UPDATE***</span></span> UPS called me. THEY FOUND MY TIRES. They had someone wait for me to get there and go get them. Problem solved right? WRONG! It was late as hell and I needed them mounted. I called Mickey Finn's Honda on the Berlin Turnpike and spoke to the gentleman in service. He was the only one there and was busy as hell. He must have felt bad or whatever but he told me to come on down and he'd mount them for me. Woooooo hoooooooo!!! I got them mounted and had time to do a quick ride (less then 20 miles). Night and day compared to the stockers. These feel like I'm riding on fluid. They lean so nice. The bike actually feels flickable. I'm taking a hundred + mile ride tomorrow so I'll post more about how they feel later. The one bad thing that happened is I scratched my rear rim taking it off the bike. I was in a hurry abd the rear caliper got hung up in the wheel and I just fuggin tugged at it...that'll teach me. It's not a gouge or anything. I touched it up with Sharpie. My wife (bless her heart) is so patient. I had us running around everywhere - spending money left and right. I needed a 36mm socket for the rear axlenut and Sears doesn't sell the seperatly so I bought a set for $40, it was $45 to get the tires mounted (big, huge props to John at Micky Finn's for hooking me uo last minute), then I saw gloves there that I liked and she bought them for me then took me to lunch. Other than running around like a chicken with my head cut off it turned out to be a great day. Thanks for letting me rant. KEVIN
Sounds like somethin that would happen to me! Interested to hear a good ride report on these. Keep depth measurements for later comparison on mileage!
Glad it worked out for ya. I recently shipped one of my pieces of lab equipment to the manufacturer for repairs and UPS damaged the thing. Had to file a claim for the instrument. It was a Freeze point machine which cost $26,500. I guess somebody's gonna be pissed...