G P Shifting?


Has any one heard of it? Or is it G T shifting? Where you reverse the shifting. Instead of 1 down and five up, its 1 up and five down. Was talking to a guy and he said it was better cause of the movement of your ankle was in a more naturaul motion. Plus you won't find neutrual as much. any thoughts on this??
Very easy to do, just rotate the part that attaches to the shift shaft 180 degrees. It's a GP shift pattern. Keeps the toes up in turns...

I don't use the pattern because I ride several different bikes and let others ride my bike, so it's just easier for me to leave it as-is.
im guessing the kickstand has to be removed to do this? edit: scratch that just did it and i love it. reminds me of my old 51.
could you maybe get a pick of what your looking at and changing, i love gp shifting and would like to do that also, are there any warnings(besides forgetting the down is now up)
i did the moto gp shift pattern swap on my old 97 cbr600 f3 and hellll yes its better ! i am not sure exactly why but after the swap i never missed any more gears and it was much easyer to get a nice solid shift and no more false neutrals like the old cbr's are notorious for . ill look into doin this mod on my 05 bus later today . think it would compliment my small air box mod !!!

swaping you busa over to gp or (reverse) gear pattern is easy and it only took me 5mins and 1 - 10mm wrench to do it ! just completly unscrew the 10mm bolt that holds the shift linkage to the splined shaft coming out of the trans , wiggle it back and fourth untill it comes off and just turn it 180 degress or so and then slide it back on and screw back in the bolt ....... taaa da ! gp shifting . 1st is all the way up up - N - 2nd -3rd -4th -5th- 6th ! its also a great anti theft mod since it would confuse a would be theif witch would be trying to shift into 6th thinkin its 1st....... i had no problums getting used to it within an afternoon of riding around town plus i already had reverse pattern on my old cbr600 so that helped . much more presis shifts and i dont accidentaly find neutral anymore !!! definatly feels like i can shift through the gears faster with more ease . but i guess it would be rider opinion . try it ! and if you dont like it , its just one 10mm bolt away from swapin it back .
The whole point of reverse pattern shifting is so your foot doesn't get "trapped" by the track when trying to upshift coming off a corner.  You do all the underfoot shifting while mostly upright approaching the corner.  Then as you accelerate toward the exit, you are tapping down on the shifter to upshift.

to add to what 99Busa said.. the busa appears to have a rather "fragile" shift fork setup and the GP shifting could exacerbate this problem... I would suspect that the already "weakling" shift forks could pay a price..

just food for thought..
Well I switched to gp shifting and I am not going back. I understand the weakness in the shift fork, but I also understand finding natural all the time isn't good either, also when you do final shift up to 2nd gear there is a lag and some times a slight grinding. I for one would rather replace a couple of shift forks than cough up the bucks to rebuild the tranny.
I did this and I LOVE IT!!!! I will never go back to stock. I think its a more comfortable shift. Plus when you get on it...its seems like you can shift so much more smoothly...
heh, that was the first thing I did to my bike. It's so much easier to just push down with your toe on top of the shifter than to reach out, put your foot under the shifter, and pull up. I hated moving my foot around all the time like that.