Game system recommendations

I have all three systems and xbox 360 is by far, my most favorite. I also have a gen 1 xbox that I would donate along with several games.
Here is my 4 year old playing xbox 360 on a 32" lcd in the computer room. She loves it as much as I do!

I'd definatly go wireless and go with the PS3 and or Xbox 360... no wires to get in the way while in the room to get tangled with IV lines...
Whatever you decide to do, I would recommend getting the same console for both rooms. This will give you some redundancy in terms of games, hardware, and allowing the kiddos (and the adults too) to be familiar with how to navigate throughout the system OS. Another perk is that if online play is enabled you can let kids play together via whichever online service. If they are on different systems that won't be an option.

I don't think you can go wrong with either PS3's or xBox's using wireless controllers and wifi. It might be a better approach to look for three or four titles for each system that are kid-friendly and base your decision on your findings there. Just a thought.

Either way, the kiddos will sing your praises! Good on ya for thinking of the little ones!! :beerchug:
the wii is a blast but if the physical capabilities are minimal, then the ps3 is the console of choice.