Garage door openers and bikes...


Donating Member
Sooo I just moved and now have a garage for the bike :thumbsup:

But now I have to figure out the best way to work a garage door opener into the equation. I have seen some of the keychain ones, how are the range on them? I just put the one in my pocket for now and range kinda stinks like that.

Still excited to have a garage. Now I can take her apart and have days to do mods instead of hours :cheerleader:
thats one way, or you can go to radio shack, buy a momentary switch, small one and mount it somewhere out of sight. run the wires into the back of the remote mounted with 3M professional velcro to the underside of your upper inners and save yourself a TON of cash. I got pix somewhere of mine I'll look for them :beerchug:
When I lived in a gated community the gate opener used a 9v battery, and I was able to wire it to my flash to pass switch. It was cool to come home and illuminate the whole gate with the bright to open the gate, a few people tried it with their car lights!:laugh: My house garage remote uses a 1.5v button cell and it can't handle the F2P voltage, so I use a keychain remote that works just fine. Or you could try this...:whistle:

my garage door opener uses a 12v key fob... I just wired it to my "Flash to pass" switch..