
I'm replacing mine with a manual unit soon as APE or TMH makes one!!!

Oh yeah I'm replacing my back tire with a manual one as soon as I can find one!!!


yes I'm being a smartass.
My headlight burned out.Does anyone offer a Coleman lantern replacement?Would kerosene adversely affect the ABS?Would the current light cover keep it sufficiently shielded at 180 mph so as not to extinguish it?maybe it would not blow it out.It might turn me into the world's fastest screaming alpha(Navy guys ought to get that one).I don't know,but I do know a defective part when it stops working.
Keep your humor guys! :)
My headlight burned out.Does anyone offer a Coleman lantern replacement?Would kerosene adversely affect the ABS?Would the current light cover keep it sufficiently shielded at 180 mph so as not to extinguish it?maybe it would not blow it out.It might turn me into the world's fastest screaming alpha(Navy guys ought to get that one).I don't know,but I do know a defective part when it stops working.
Keep your sense of humor guys! :)
My headlight burned out.Does anyone offer a Coleman lantern replacement?Would kerosene adversely affect the ABS?Would the current light cover keep it sufficiently shielded at 180 mph so as not to extinguish it?maybe it would not blow it out.It might turn me into the world's fastest screaming alpha(Navy guys ought to get that one).I don't know,but I do know a defective part when it stops working.
Keep your sense of humor guys! :)
My headlight burned out.Does anyone know where I can get a manual one? Maybe Coleman makes one that will fit.Would kerosene adversely affect ABS?Would I have to make any changes to the existing light cover?Is it sufficient enought to keeep the mantles lit at 180 mph.Could the combination of speed,fire and fuel have any adverse effects if the automatic tensioner failed and made the engine blow up at these speeds?
Sorry for the newbie questions,I'm just curious. ;)
Icouldn't get it to post 20 mins.ago now all my previous attempts posted.I think we need a manual posting system.The guys who developed this ought to own up to their mistakes and make it right. :)