Gen 1 clutch master cylinder problem


I have done a **** ton of work to my 99 this winter. Rebuilt all the master cylinders with factory kits.

I tried to bleed the clutch and found the lever does not come all the way to the grip. Any ideas? The brake side does go in all the way. Before I did all this work the clutch did work fine. I don't have the old parts to compare it to as I threw them out because I am an idiot.

Last night I took both clutch and brake master apart again just to be sure I did not do anything stupid and it looks fine. I have not yet verified with the dealer that I have the right bits but I bet they are correct - it all went together nice.

The lever/master simply does not allow full travel. Wtf? Any ideas or further proof that I suck is welcome. Another month and I wanna be riding this *****!
For some reason the edit button was missing.

Anyhow, one thing I did notice was the orientation of the seals on the plungers. If you have had one of these apart you know the seals are tapered with one end fatter than the other.

On the brake side which seems to work fine the fat end of the seal is facing in towards the master. On the clutch side it faces out - towards the lever. Keep in mind these came from the package already installed on the plungers. It was the only thing I could find that did not make sense.

Anyone a hydraulics pro?