Gen 1 front brake pump modification


so I have a known problem from the 1st generation, that is the brake pump that does not brake anything, and in my case it even arrives in packs even though the discs, pads, and oil are new (ps: I fit braided hoses), despite this the brake lever reaches 5 millimeters from the accelerator lever, and honestly when braking, or in any case in emergency braking situations it is not the best.
Screenshot 2025-03-06 203801.webp

I have dirty hands because I had just changed the oil :D:D:D:D
1) either I overhaul the original pump
2) either I change the pump and put in another one

many people told me to fit the brembo 19RCS, others instead tell me to fit the nissin, what do you recommend?

I have dirty hands because I had just changed the oil

Do not apologize. You will only get more credit here the dirtier they are.

Brembo master cylinders are popular here on the forum. There is the Corsa Corta upgraded model as well which has adjustment of the brake grip point. I look forward to see any input on the Nisin from the others here. That model picture is new to me.
Do not apologize. You will only get more credit here the dirtier they are.

Brembo master cylinders are popular here on the forum. There is the Corsa Corta upgraded model as well which has adjustment of the brake grip point. I look forward to see any input on the Nisin from the others here. That model picture is new to me.
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You can also get a oem brembo from other models to try. I ran a Yamaha r1 eom brembo mc for a year or so before I had the funds for a full brembo rcs setup
I have a member of the club I belong to who has fitted the Nissin and says it brakes a lot, he only changed that leaving the original 6 piston Tokicos
can you link me the product, thanks
He's saying to search for a used one from a don't want to pay new prices for that, as it will be more than an aftermarket master cylinder.
And all of the master cylinders are easy to rebuild, and done the same way.
Remove a snap-ring and replace a cup seal.
The rebuild kit usually comes with a new piston, spring, dust seal, and e-clip snap-ring, as well as the cup seal(the cup seal usually being all that needs replaced).

These guys make the parts for the big name brake companies, and are great to deal with.
I have bought several master cylinder and caliper rebuild kits, as well as pads and other parts from them.

You can buy a used Brembo front mc that came from the factory on several bikes, search eaby, then rebuild it, and have much improved braking for about half the price of new.

Exactly......I have an R1 Brembo MC on my crate and it works can find them fairly inexpensive and get a rebuild kit like @sixpack577 advises and you are GTG.


Unless you are grudge racing or track racing, the stock MC works just fine as many here have left them stock and have no complaints....yours sounds in need of a rebuild if it is giving low pressure....

The only thing an aftermarket MC with a remote reservoir does a little better is provides more fluid pressure and the remote reservoir cools the fluid a little better which is handy if you are working the brakes hard.......
Sta dicendo di cercarne uno usato di una ZX14... non vorrai pagare il prezzo di uno nuovo, perché costerebbe più di una pompa freno aftermarket.
E tutti i cilindri principali sono facili da ricostruire e si fanno sempre nello stesso modo.
Rimuovere l'anello elastico e sostituire la guarnizione a tazza.
Il kit di ricostruzione solitamente include un nuovo pistone, una nuova molla, un parapolvere e un anello elastico E-clip, oltre alla guarnizione della coppa (solitamente è solo la guarnizione della coppa a dover essere sostituita).

Questi ragazzi producono componenti per le più grandi aziende produttrici di freni e trattare con loro è fantastico.
Ho acquistato da loro diversi kit di revisione per cilindri e pinze freno, nonché pastiglie e altri pezzi di ricambio.

È possibile acquistare una pinza anteriore Brembo usata, montata di fabbrica su diverse moto, cercarla subito, quindi ricostruirla e ottenere una frenata notevolmente migliorata per circa la metà del prezzo di una pinza nuova.
wow thanks:beerchug:

Esatto...ho una R1 Brembo MC nella mia cassa e funziona perfettamente...puoi trovarle abbastanza economiche e procurarti un kit di ricostruzione come quello consigliato da @sixpack577 e sei a posto.


A meno che tu non faccia gare di rancore o gare in pista, la MC di serie funziona benissimo, dato che molti qui l'hanno lasciata di serie e non hanno lamentele... la tua sembra aver bisogno di una revisione se dà poca pressione...

L'unica cosa che un MC aftermarket con un serbatoio remoto fa un po' meglio è fornire una maggiore pressione del fluido e il serbatoio remoto raffredda un po' meglio il fluido, il che è utile se si azionano intensamente i freni...
Let's say I don't use it for racing, but I'm still someone who pinches a lot, so I'd like to avoid overhauling the original
in reality here in italy the choices are endless, there are those who mount brembo, those who mount nissin, those who mount the braking system of the R1, those who mount the gsxr 1000, etc....
So, pretty much like everywhere else....

Where in Italy are you located?

I have a grandfather who was killed in Morro River and buried in the Ortona Canadian Military some point I am going to go visit his grave....