Gen 1 running a lil rough


My gen 1 been running rough 1 weekend ridding my bike died and kick righ back on just a quick cut in and out notice when motor is hot it take awahile to start have to give it gas to start when hot also notice full throttle it seems like it hold back then a bust would just open up all the way and go replaced spark plugs everything seem normal with airbox off i started it and when i give it throttle one cylinder makes crackling noise any ideas its 40k miles
Some bikes experience a hot start issue-there are a few threads on this.

What to look for is a lengthy list as there are lots of things that could cause this.

Check your coils...
Battery good?
When was the last time the valves were checked?
Check the fuel injectors too, one could be partially plugged...
I used seafoam but i will check
ill check coil and clean inj

Shouldnt there be a check engine light?
No, there's no check engine light on a Gen 1 or 2....there is an FI light that will flash but that would indicate a fault....

I don't think you have a fault, just a blockage causing the bog...

I take it the bike ran poorly before you changed the plugs and if so, you had the stick coils off and you would have noticed any cracking or corrosion then most likely...
No, there's no check engine light on a Gen 1 or 2....there is an FI light that will flash but that would indicate a fault....

I don't think you have a fault, just a blockage causing the bog...

I take it the bike ran poorly before you changed the plugs and if so, you had the stick coils off and you would have noticed any cracking or corrosion then most likely...
Yea the f1 light would show but nothing from f1 light
ill check coil and clean injectors
You really need to check fuel pressure and fuel delivery rate as well, first things to check before pressure regulator and injectors.

(Top Tech Tip ..... never assume any components are 'OK', just start the checks at the start end of the system, pump first, then move along checking each component until you reach the end, in this case, the injectors.)