Gen II Electrical Gremlin?


Jumps from perfectly good Airplanes
Donating Member
Not sure I'm asking this question right, but:

I think something is prematurely draining my battery. My 01 Gixxer 1K can sit for a month+ and will still start w/o issue, but my Busa will not start after about 2 weeks when I leave it off the trickle charger. Charlie and I were discussing it today trying to figure out what it may be. He suggested putting a ampmeter tester in between the hot post and the hot lead, and see what the 'sitting' drain is (the only thing I can think of is the clock on the battery) which should tell me if the battery is getting a load on it when it shouldn't be.

Anybody got an idea (I know it's in the service manual somewhere) approx how much power would be used in the 'resting' (engine off) mode?

I put a fuzeblock on it last year. I can test without the fuzeblock, and with it, and if there is any difference then maybe I can look at what's hooked up to it that might be pulling power all the time...
Drain test is simple first step. Reference the manual for the window. Then it's a simple matter of isolating devices. You can probably accomplish this by pulling fuses on the fuse black.

Always make sure you're not turning the key to far :whistle:
If the USB charge plug is not switched with the key the I agree. The transformer for the USB plug would not be a huge draw, but over a couple or three weeks could definitely be the problem.

Do you have a USB charge plug on it? If so that's it.
If the USB charge plug is not switched with the key the I agree. The transformer for the USB plug would not be a huge draw, but over a couple or three weeks could definitely be the problem. explain. I'll have to check to see if the USB plug is switched or hot - so you are telling me it draws power whether something is hooked up to it or not? If so, I'll bet you've found my gremlin because I didn't think it pulled power if it wasn't plugged to anything....
Keith , Earlybird and I already went thru this. He's got a 1 amp cable. Lurch gave me one of the first 2 amp cables because my intent was to find a splitter that would allow me to charge iPhone and Gopro same time.
Still haven't found a splitter that would work but what I did find was that the 2a cable I have had a static draw great enough to where it would kill my battery in about 4-5 days. Initially I thought it was the oem battery going bad so I replaced it with a new lithium heavy duty one. Put new battery in and thought I was done. Few days later rolled it out to go for a ride and it was dead as dead can be. Tim helped me troubleshoot things and we did discover the USB charger has a static draw. His 1a cable has basically half the draw of mine but its still enough to drain battery to point where bike won't start.

This is why I had Blais rewire my hazard light switch and make it a switch for the USB charger. Now she sits for weeks and starts right up. I was gonna have them install a switch somewhere for it but Paul came up with the idea of using hazard switch. In three years I've never used it one time for its intended purpose so it worked out perfect.
So long story short is yes it's your USB charger that's draining battery. Put a switch on it or do what I did and you'll be done.
You can simply remove the inline fuse for it and this will stop the draw. I did this for quite some time but eventually got tired of having to worry where fuse was and popping it in and out.

Isn't the org great. Free tech help. With as many members as we have I still have yet to see a problem go unsolved because somewhere somehow someone here has already experienced what it is and has the solution. I love this place.
Just order the BoostbySmith wiring harness, and the USB won't be on unless the bike is.. :beerchug:
Keith , Earlybird and I already went thru this. He's got a 1 amp cable. Lurch gave me one of the first 2 amp cables because my intent was to find a splitter that would allow me to charge iPhone and Gopro same time.
Still haven't found a splitter that would work but what I did find was that the 2a cable I have had a static draw great enough to where it would kill my battery in about 4-5 days. Initially I thought it was the oem battery going bad so I replaced it with a new lithium heavy duty one. Put new battery in and thought I was done. Few days later rolled it out to go for a ride and it was dead as dead can be. Tim helped me troubleshoot things and we did discover the USB charger has a static draw. His 1a cable has basically half the draw of mine but its still enough to drain battery to point where bike won't start.

This is why I had Blais rewire my hazard light switch and make it a switch for the USB charger. Now she sits for weeks and starts right up. I was gonna have them install a switch somewhere for it but Paul came up with the idea of using hazard switch. In three years I've never used it one time for its intended purpose so it worked out perfect.
So long story short is yes it's your USB charger that's draining battery. Put a switch on it or do what I did and you'll be done.
You can simply remove the inline fuse for it and this will stop the draw. I did this for quite some time but eventually got tired of having to worry where fuse was and popping it in and out.

Isn't the org great. Free tech help. With as many members as we have I still have yet to see a problem go unsolved because somewhere somehow someone here has already experienced what it is and has the solution. I love this place.

That's probably it. I had no idea the USB had a draw when unplugged. I have a switched spot on my fuzeblock that I should be able to wire it to, so It won't work unless the key is on. Hopefully I can take a look at it tonight I'll just have to leave my bike on the trickle charger until then. Sure hope I didn't ruin my new gel battery in the process....
Nah it didt ruin your battery.
The reason I went with the switch option is its nice to have power without key having to be on.
I sometimes leave my phone or Gopro plugged in and charging while I'm eating or taking a break.
Update: Yep, the USB plug was wired full hot on my FUZEBLOCK. All I had to do was pull out the fuse and put it on the 'switched' side. Never knew the USB was pulling power even when unplugged. Thank you all for helping me fix this!
Thanks guys.
Joined the forum to work out why my brand new busa has a flat battery.
Guess what. I have a sub charger fitted!

Does anyone know how much you can draw from the battery before the alternator can keep up?