Getting anxious


Killin' is my business, a
Donating Member
I don't if this sounds wrong or not....But anways. I installed the the 16t sprocket yesterday and I went back today to finish up some cleaning around "my shop". Just stared at the bike for like an hour thinking about whether or not to take a spin with abosuletly no plastic at all or just be patient....Well the better part of me said just wait...but the evil, dark busa side "ride me, ride's been almost 2 weeks since the last abusing that I received. ride me. What have you done? I decided to wait but I can't wait to see the "more likely to wheely" from the sprocket.

If I screwed any of this up, blame it on my friends 21st birthday tonight and the drinks.

Love this place,

I think it was a good call, not riding her naked. Probably wouldn't have hurt anything, but ya never know. Hope you get her back out there soon.
Riding her naked !? Are you talking about the post or the avitar?
It's been done, but you will enjoy it more with the plastics on! Besides, from the looks of that party it was an even better thing you didn't go!
Yeah, I could never bear to ride her naked. Just don't think it does the sexy beast any justice without all of her clothes on.