Getting Ready to do the 4:2:1 swap


Donating Member
Good Morning All.... It's been a while since I posted, I'm just glad to be back.

I'm getting ready to do my exhaust install and had a couple of questions for the guru's...

1. Ron Ayers is showing an Exhaust Gasket here ...

( 2 ) 14181-22D01

In looking at the walkthrough posted here it doesn't look like CharlesBusa changed them out. I have a 2006 with 6K on the clock. Do ya'll think I'd need to change them out? If so, can you tell me if it's the copper looking piece on the inside of the port, or the silver "sleeves" that the microfiche is calling the gasket?

2. On Post #9 of the walkthrough, it shows the header mounting "flanges" already mounted to the heads before the tubes are mounted...  Is this really necessary? My problem is the Jett-Hott coating made the clearances out of tolerance, so I've been dremeling the coating off for the joints to fit, yet it's still a really tight fit.

 to CharlesBusa for a great walkthrough. If anyone else knows of a good one on the board, please post.

Thanks All... it's great to be back.  
The gaskets are the copper looking pieces. By all means change them out. They are the crush type gaskets and for as little as they cost why chance a leak? I just put a 4 to 2 to 1 (Arata) system on my bike a few weeks ago and changed them with new gaskets only had 2400 miles on the bike. Hope it helped.
Thanks FastBusa - I just ordered them.

How loose were your pipe joints? Did you install it as a whole system or did you break it down and install in pieces like Charlie Busa?

+1 Why chance a leak...they are the copper crush type gaskets
(LightCycle @ Apr. 08 2007,05:41) Thanks FastBusa - I just ordered them.

How loose were your pipe joints? Did you install it as a whole system or did you break it down and install in pieces like Charlie Busa?

You are going to have to align the headers with the exhaust ports from the engine. Its easier if you're only messing with the headers rather than the whole system. They can be tight and hard to adjust/pull apart/push together. We used a little wd-40 to help. Just sprayed some on my finger than lubed the joining pieces lightly. I don't think a little wd-40 hurt anything...
Thanks Charlesbusa...

Just got done with more sanding, so the joints are workable now. The Jett Hott coating is sure hard to get off. I went from a 60 to 120 to 240 on the 'ole dremmel, but I got the joints nice and smooth now... and the little WD40 sure helped them slide better.

Thanks again for taking the time to take and post pics.
(LightCycle @ Apr. 07 2007,23:41) Thanks FastBusa - I just ordered them.

How loose were your pipe joints? Did you install it as a whole system or did you break it down and install in pieces like Charlie Busa?

The headers on the Arata system bolted up to the heads like the stock system. I then put it together one section at a time. I rapped my system with exhaust rap. I did the head pipes separately (in the house), then the rest of the system after it was complete. I made a very large difference. The bike is much quieter in the front end and loader in the back "as it should be". The bike runs much cooler too! and after a few hundred miles I am not having any problems with the plastic's.
Here's my thoughts, change them even if they don't look like you need to. there cheep and it's kind of a PITA to get to. so while apart might as well swap them.
I put a BDE Streetsmart system on and I did not change out the gaskets. Have not had any problems.....
Thanks a bunch for all the responses. All the parts are in now... besides those gaskets. Go figure.
I'll make sure I post lots of pics as I'm doing it.
