Ghostriding gone wrong


just heard about this on the radio this moring. figured i would do a seach and found this. pretty funny

even better. this should weed out all the idiots

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what an a$$hole!
This brings the definition of IDIOT to a new level....................

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Holy shid--how do you explain that to your insurance company--"Well I was just taking a joy ride on the hood of my truck and the damn thing went over the curb and hit a pole. I don't know why it did that??!!!!!"
I was rooting for that second guy. I knew he could do it.
Now I wonder if he is out of the gene pool?

Those are some mad "I managed to drive over myself with my own car" skillz.
that happened a few yrs back in des moines iowa. when I was in college I posted it on my university account and had over quarter million hits in a week and brought down one of their servers.

Then a rep from fox called me and asked if it was my video and they wanted to pay me for it.

I then found out whoes video it was and it was some 17 yr old kid and his mother wouldn't sign the release for fox to air it on worlds stupidest stunts or something like that.

that was just too bad...too bad that dork didnt get run completely over thus crippling himself for life so that he could never pull off another stupid stunt for the rest of his stupid life.
fuggin moron.