About to get enuff of all the cheap talk floating around about sorry, incompetent, geek stink mechanics in the world. Get this straight gys. Some of us love our jobs and want to keep them. Quit blaming the true-blue mechanics for the stupid messes that are the fault of the setup gys. It is the setup people who assemble the new bikes, not the commisioned mechanics. It is setup that overfills the crankcases. Give us a break, the real mechs know better and cares. And try to understand some of your problems are not the mech's fault at all. Ever thought the possiblity of operator error. Yes it really happens but the mech always gets the blame. I realize that some of you have gotten some bum wraps but please don't lump all of us in one pile just because something didn't go just right the first time.
Jay R Hammock
25 years of wrenching and still loving it.