So at the track the other night someone noticed that when I floored it, my left turn signal would come on. Well by the end of the night it was on and would not turn off; I reset the battery and all.
I have a MSD launch master, power commander, and a LED shift light that I just unhooked to see if that was the issue.. Nope. I even took the entire front nose off of the bike and it still lights up on the gauge cluster. I dont know what it could be! I disconnected any and all entry points into the harness for the electronics and still have the issue. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.
I have a MSD launch master, power commander, and a LED shift light that I just unhooked to see if that was the issue.. Nope. I even took the entire front nose off of the bike and it still lights up on the gauge cluster. I dont know what it could be! I disconnected any and all entry points into the harness for the electronics and still have the issue. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it.