going on my 3rd sprocket cover


So i changed my chain and sprockets and noticed that my sprocket cover had a very small crack on it by the clutch slave, so i orderd a new one rode about 20 miles no problems then my spedo stoped working got home and my new sprocket cover was toast major crack on it all the way down. So i figure i need the support piece and order one along with a new sprocket cover. While I was sitting in the garage staring at the busa dreaming of riding it again one day if the parts ever get here, I started to look at the sprocket cover that just broke and seen that the bolt that holds the sprocket on some how wore a grove into the cover and im assuming that it caught the cover and cracked it? but how? the bolt is tight as can be sprocket is installed correctly. Any ideas?
yea the billit cover is next if this one doesent hold up, I should of just got one after the second one poped it would been the same amount of money that I have spent so far on the oem ones.
(brendanp @ Jun. 08 2007,10:14) You can get a Canadian Mike billet cover (or one like it) and be done.
Nooo doubt, good stuff!!
Check him out (click here)

at the lowest bolt of the cover there is a teflon spacer(inside the cover). coloured black where the chain slipps by.Is this in possition? You must turn it to find a slot somehow .and then you place the cover
thanks heavy i will defiantly check out Canadian mikes cover if this one shoots craps on me. Micbusa ill have to check when i get home on if i had the spacer in the right post ion thanks for the help.