Going riding today


Weather is actually kinda nice here this weekend. My wife and I had the bikes out briefly yesterday. Both machines are dewinterized, washed, and ready to go. So today we are definitely going out for a nice ride.

It is already almost as warm today as the high temp yesterday. And today's high temp might end up being a very comfortable 60 degrees.

The riding season is really getting started. Be safe everyone and have fun.
Nice weather here today also (64) rode to gatlinburg and then to knoxville. Finally got to show off my wheels that I just finished.:D Spring is rigut around the corner! weeeeeeee!
It's looking like I'm headed into a week for cooler weather with lots of rain. I'm glad I got out there this weekend, cause it is looking like it might have been my last chance for a while.

Oh well. Got to ride and it was good. And it is still Feb.
i got to ride a little today also.. about an hour then hadda come back home cuz the wifey wanted to go too... there should be a law about pillion riding on the first warm day... a law like.. "no effin' way!"

don't get me wrong, I loveher, and love that she likes to go.. but the first pretty day after many months of wanting to go flay the life out of some twisties??

sigh.. was a good day though... thank the lord winter is almost over!
I had a good ride this weekend too, of course the only thing that holds me back normally is rain. Ive put bout 6000 kms on since Sep. Okinawa is less than 200 kms long...
I got to ride too...illegally mounted my license plate on the Busa as a quick fix, and headed out with the hubby on his Harley for about 5 hours! Best damn riding...weather was perfect, no close calls...tons of other bikes out...I hated to go home!
This weekend was pure bliss of me too. Rode for 3 hours, rode my first wheelies of the season, sunshine all day. NIce very nice. And boy did my metallic copper baby shine. Its almost like it has an ego and likes to show off! Bring on spring, PLEASE!