going to try....


i'm not sure if the pic will show but i'm trying. let me know what you guys think...

Third time's a charm!

OK, that looks good...you've got it...

Very nice Busa
You do realize that you started a new thread each time you tried posting a pic?!
Flat black i was thinking of this last night for my bike looks good i like it alot Russ mitchel would be proud lol
sorry about posting new threads but now i got it so no more of that. the original color was the 06' black color but i like this alot better. i'm moving out to san diego next month so i'm thinking of painting the frame too. thanks guys for all your help on the forum, i'm learning alot from you guys.
i'm trying to go more of a street fighter look than a "bling" look. i just don't have the money for all that, and plus i've never really been into alot chrome.
Looks Great. I am going for the same type of look on my 05LE using the phantom grey and black. Fortuately for me, my frame is already black so I am getting rearsets, brake bar, brake and shifter levers powder coated.

hey USN05 that's going to look sick. if i had the money to powdercoat everything then i would but this is the poor man's way of doing it.
The bike's got a real tough look, for sure. A mix of stealth/sleeper look, and a little street-fighter. Very nice!

The only thing that isn't right, and mind you this is must my opinion, is the HA supporter sticker (SS). It just looks out of place.