Good article to bring back up...


Call me Daddy...
Donating Member
This link has been posted here before but we have a LOT of new members since it last circulated. We also have some that are not only new to the board and/or the busa, but new to ridin' in general. In addition to the board newbies and the ridin' newbies, I think even riders who have some ridin' experience under their belts could benefit from readin' this article and following the advice it offers. I mean, I don't know of a bike that stands to bite any harder or any quicker than a busa if you get outta hand with the throttle.

I know I get to ride so little that it's hard to resist just twistin' 'er up when I do get a chance to ride. I figure the same goes for most of you after the winter down time. Hell, even when I get to ride a few days in a row, it's hard not to ball and get a little outta hand. The busa is just sooooo fuggin' fun to blast on! Luckily since buyin' the busa I've really only been "bit" once by gettin' in over my head. I'm even MORE lucky that my fug up only sent me off roadin' for several feet and the only evidence of it on the busa was a bit of mud. We see lots of posts though from those who don't come out so lucky. Makes me stop and think...

I just took the time to re-read the article I'm about to give a link to and I realize that over time the wisdom I originally took from it has slowly faded from my mind. On my last few rides I have found myself twistin' a bit harder than I really should under the conditions I was in, or goin' in a little hot after ballin' down a straight. Each time my level of ridin' experience (which is NOT extensive mind you), keepin' a cool head, and a little luck was enough to pull me through. Ridin' that close to the edge of my skills and luck is bound to catch up with me eventually though. Some of you know that I made some health and fitness related life changes recently. Well, I think changin' my ridin' style a little and takin' it down a notch or two further from the edge could be just as beneficial to my health and fitness as changin' my eatin' habits. Hell, crashin' can be pretty hard on a body from what I understand!

I think I'm gonna get "PACE" cut out in vinyl letters and put it on the busa somewhere. Maybe on the triple cover so I see it when I reach for the key to start 'er up. Maybe that will keep the ideas from this article fresh in my mind when I'm tempted to ride outside my abilities. I always strive for smoothness and total control when I'm ridin'. I think I'll put even more effort into those aspects and take it a little easier on the throttle for a while. Might just save my hide and my beloved Train!

Maybe re-readin' this article again will cause me to think twice before twistin' 'er up too hard, or ballin' a little too hard down those straights and into those corners at the end on my next ride. I also hope that readin' this article will save someone else from gettin' caught up in the rush and gettin' in over their head. If it reaches one person who rides as close to their "edge" as I have been mine, it's worth the time it took to type and post this. If we all done it, it could go a LONG way toward livin' down the "sport biker" image that a lot of the public (and law enforcement) has of sport riders. That could only be a GOOD thing for our hobby.

Anyway, here's the link. The article is called "Pace Yourself" and it is on the main page of Read it and let me know what you think...

I'm trying to protect the "STUNNAH and the STUNGUN" and reading your post and the attached article will do a great deal in keeping both safe...Good looking out...
The more I think about it, the more I think I'm just now really "coming of age" in sport ridin'. Most of you know that the busa was/is my first sport bike. Well, the newness of all that is wearin' off and I'm settlin' into a sane groove now.

Done a burnout not long after I got 'er... Done a few tame wheelies on 'er... Hit some insane speeds with 'er... Now I'm thinkin' it's time to slow down and enjoy the ride more. I guess I'm maturing as a sport rider. The crazy stuff is losin' appeal and really learnin' to RIDE is takin' over more and more. I've been thinkin' this way for a couple weeks but readin' this article again just sort of put it all into perspective.

I'm sure I'll still get a wild hair here and there, but for the most part I just want to enjoy the ride and avoid the crazy stuff for a while. The last thing I wanna do is have to post about bustin' up me and Da' Train because I was showin' my ass and got in over my head.

good lookin out train in case i didn't tell y'all i went against the grain and turned the busa into a trailer b!t$h after that wreck in feb and breakin my wrist im keepin all ridin to a minimum till i fell comfortable to make that 45 mile trip to jacksonville every weekend for now i just trailer it to the local in jville pull her off the trailer and ride
good article bt.. i had the itch to do some high speed runs as of late, because since i had the busa i had not done so. so friday night i was out riding with the group i normally ride with, (its about 15-20 of us) and they hit the highway at about 3am friday\satuday morning and i got up to 175 mph before i let off.
now that i have gotten that out of my system i have noticed since then that on the overall i have been riding slower and relaxing more on the bus.
now i am ready to relax and just ride. ( it did feel good to get that out of my system.

with the busa everybody allways seem to ask how fast have u been... it is bad to say it was almost embarassing to say 130.

everybody be safe and dont let ur ego get u in trouble.
good article bt.. i had the itch to do some high speed runs as of late, because since i had the  busa i had not done so. so friday night i was out riding with the group i normally ride with, (its about 15-20 of us) and they hit the highway at about 3am friday\satuday morning and i got up to 175 mph before i let off.
now that i have gotten that out of my system i have noticed since then that on the overall i have been riding slower and relaxing more on the bus.
now i am ready to relax and just ride. ( it did feel good to get that out of my system.

with the busa everybody allways seem to ask how fast have u been... it is bad to say it was almost embarassing to say 130.

everybody be safe and dont let ur ego get u in trouble.
Yeah, anytime we get into something new, like sport riding and the busa was for me, we are bound to "cut our teeth" and try it out. I had to hit some insane speeds just because the busa can do it. Now that I've done it, I don't feel as compelled to do it again and again. I feel more compelled to quit while I'm ahead.
That's the best way I know to put it. I got my squidliness out up front and now I can relax and enjoy the ride.
