I don't want to insult him, as it books for way more. I just offered him $4500 and told him that it'll cost me money to pick it up, tag it, yada yada yada.
Don't be concerned about the "book". Its only there as a reference. Many factors to consider... the 1st one being condition. Does he have service records? Does he have a service manual ?
Ask him how many tires he has changed on it. Did he buy it new? At 14k any more than 3 rear tires means he was pretty hard on it imho.
Ask for a total tire count so as not to tip your hand about the bike being ridden excessively hard. Listen to the motor on a cold start. What does the rest of his life look like?
Where he lives, what else he drives and the condition of those items.
I also like to ask if their are any other reasons he is selling it... listen carefully to that answer... do the words flow as easily and sound as relaxed when he answered less pointed questions or was volunteering information?
The good news is these motors are tough if maintained as they should be. On the test drive does it wheelie from a roll in 1st gear ?
Have him drive it someplace where you can run through 1st and 2nd gear a few times... then you will know what happens when the throttle is pinned through 2nd gear.
If that isn't a test that can be performed, then how will you know the condition of 2nd gear?
Value is relative... keep in mind you will be spending money on it once its yours. Also... keep looking... new deals show up all the time.
BTW... I do like that paint job ! I wouldn't mention it though until after the sale if you buy it.