Good Riding Weather or To Darn Hot?

Perfect Temp for Riding or To Darn Hot?

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Group Buy Guy
Donating Member
OK, as some of us are rapidly approaching 40+ days of 100F Temps I thought I might as the question. Are you happy with the heat or is just to darn hot to ride.
I voted too darn hot! And its not so much the heat but here in Nebraska the humidity makes it feel like a sauna...tried to get in a ride the other evening and the bugs were SOOO BAD..I rode about a mile out of the driveway and almost couldn`t see out of the visor..I turned around and headed home..should have taken a picture.
I would like to ride to work, but due to flooding I would have to ride gravel now for a half mile, and its hard enough to see driving in the car with all the other traffic....ok I`m done whining:whistle:
I vote hot , but still trying . You know when its hot after 3 hours of riding and you have red heat marks on your inner thigh and legs . Took 3 days to go away.
It is supposed to be 108 today and tomorrow here. We do cool off to like 105 - 106 range for the rest of the week. I thought I escaped the heat when I moved out of the Mojave. Boy was I wrong :laugh:

Night rides are nice right now though. Silver lining.
I did not enter a result. It is hot around here, and 100* days are the norm. Some days it is called for to ride, others it is just not in the cards.

On hot days I prefer to leave early in the morning and return in the heat of the day. A cold shower and a glass of ice water hits the spot.
Yep, better than snow and ice.
I have a textile jacket that flows well. I get cold under about 77* ...but coming to a stop still sucks.